I just have been seriously late in updating!!! Sorry to all those who want to hear about my fabulous life. Are you on the edge of your seat waiting to hear all the glamazon things I have been doing? Are you?
Well, here's what's been going on: UNPACKING. And selling the crap out of Bath and Body Works products. Since not working since June, I beleive I have forgotten what it was like to work on a regular basis. And because I was hired as a part-time, holiday/seasonal worker at the local BBW, I suppose I should have been prepared to work more in the weeks before The Big Event of Christmas when shoppers come to the mall for the first time since l.a.s.t. Christmas. But the past couple of weeks have really knocked it out of me and I only work like four or five hours a day!!!!
Plus, we have had great visitors!!!!! My parents drove up the week after Thanksgiving to bring my doggies home (hooray!) and to help us unpack. They were amazing. Simply put. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! They were workhorses at getting most of the boxes unpacked and getting the post-move-in clutter out of the way. Then about four days after my parents arrived, Craig's parents arrived from Wales and ALSO helped out. Craig's dad helped finish up a lot of the half finished painting jobs, so that was also a huge help.
It was really great to have them all here at the same time. My mom and Craig's mom had a good time looking at all the baby stuff we have so far and just talking about babies in general. They both rubbed my tummy and talked to the baby. I know that some people have a real problem with other people touching their bellies while pregnant, but I haven't found many people do that to me. I don't know if I just give off a Do Not Touch Me vibe or what, but random strangers have not laid one hand on me yet.
And soon after Christmas, Sister comes to visit!!! I'm excited that so many of our family have been able to visit so soon!!!!
So now we are just taking it easy unpacking the things that are left to unpack---mostly stuff from our old house that we don't need and should throw out. All the important things are unpacked and being used. We are really settling in nicely and falling in love with our new home each day.
This morning was the first big snowfall in Cincinnati and it was wonderful to get up, grab some coffee and watch the snow fall (then I had to go to work). Fortunately, Cincinnati knows how to deal with snow so the roads were safe and clear.
Baby is still doing great--he's still kicking away and now I can feel him actually moving, like turning his body. I love it!!! I'm getting anxious to meet him!!! My third trimester starts soon and I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone.
***A (POSSIBLE) APOLOGY IN ADVANCE--we may not get Christmas cards out this year. The fact that Christmas is less than a week away has completely taken me by surprise. I'm hoping to get them out tomorrow!!!