Suprise--it's a picture that Mommy couldn't load on her old computer!

Silly, silly reader!
So, what's new this month?
Johnathon is a little Starfish (no, really--that's the name of the class). We enrolled him in swim class and it is so much fun!!! He seems like he enjoys it--I think he thinks it just a big bath, without the bubbles. He splashes and splashes around. It's Craig's activity with him (Daddy Time), but this week, I had to take him because Craig, poor thing, HAD to take a business trip to the Daytona 500. Oh my goodness--I had such a good time with him in the pool!!!!! I think I enjoyed the class more than he did.

Another old picture Mommy couldn't load, but I AM SO CUTE in the bathtub.
We had to miss a class because Johnathon was sick for a week, but he is all better now. The sleeping was not so good there all week because J gets super clingy when he doesn't feel good and must be touching me at all times. Poor little mister--he was so pathetic. Fever, stuffy nose, cough, congestion. :(
Before he got sick, though, we had a playdate with two of his little friends, both girls. AND HE KISSED ONE OF THEM. Thank God it wasn't the kind of kiss he give me where he goes in for the kiss, but really wants to bite my lip and not let go. But, still, HE KISSED A GIRL. AT 10 1/2 MONTHS OLD. Lordy, I am not ready for this.
My parents have been here for the past two weeks and I am so, so grateful for them. When Johnathon was sick, he was up at all hours of the night, not being able to breathe well and coughing, so I hardly got any sleep. It was so nice for my dad to take the "morning shift" while I got a couple of hours of uninterrupted sleep. Johnathon is starting to get back to being a good sleeper, but it's definitely a process. He still wakes up a couple of times a night, but I am hoping it's a remanent of being sick and not some new pattern for sleep. Because, y'all, he's going to be ONE next month. Having a one year old aside (and, um, so where did that time go?), I haven't have a continuous period of a good night's sleep in a year. Am.ready.for.sleep.
Developmentally, I think he is this.close to walking. He is also starting to sign (sort of)--his sign for "all done" is to clap. He waves bye-bye and he starts to say "uh-oh," but he only gets out "uh." He loves to look at books and flip the pages and he lets you know that he wants to be read by sticking out his tummy and grunting. I know, weird, but it's the way he communicates. We go with it. I think he is saying "mama"--he goes "mamamamamamamamama" and, obviously, he means me, even when he says it to the dogs.

Mama, Daddy, whoever...