Yes, I am almost a week late in posting my happy birthday to my one year old. BUT, MY BABY IS A YEAR
(and a week) OLD!!!! The past few weeks have been busy, but good.
Our Craig-and-Vicki-not-Daddy-and-Mommy trip went great. We spent the weekend in Las Vegas--Craig was already there on business, so we spent the weekend walking around and losing money (I mean, really, Vegas, is it so hard to let me win a little? Seriously, because you took all my money and I don't really appreciate it).
Craig and Vicki--we're back!!!! |
I didn't realize exactly how much we needed this trip until I got there and we just started reconnecting again. Again, I have to reiterate that our marriage was not/is not in trouble, but for three days, our conversations did not revolve around how much Johnathon ate that day, how much he slept, who was going to put him down for night night. Our conversations revolved around US and what we were doing. It was awesome. I was able to relax and just have fun (I still went to bed early each night. Don't be silly--some things simply don't change.) We've already decided to take small trips away like that every so often. The main reason I was able to relax was because I knew Johnathon was well taken care of--a huge, huge thank you to my mom and dad (even though they never read this). I, very literally, could not have done this without you.
One Year Old Johnathon and The Hair That Will Not Be Tamed |
Happy Family--other than Craig's missing half his head. But, really, he does have a big head, so it's understandable to not be able to get it all in the shot. (Sorry, honey, but true. You know it is.) |
The party went great!!! In addition to the family members staying in the house (which, when I describe that my parents, my mother-in-law, my sister, her two boys, and my sister's mother-in-law were all staying in my house, sounds like an absolute nightmare, but it honestly wasn't bad. It was LOUD, but it wasn't bad. I loved having everyone here), we also invited some neighbors and some of Johnathon's playmates and a college friend who made a big effort to come (Hi, Cain!). We had balloons, cupcakes, toys, singing, and a little crying (ok, that was me, not the babies).
He wasn't all that sure of the cake at first, but he made a good effort! |
Johnathon had a good time at his party and fell asleep HARD about 5 minutes after the last baby left. He especially had a good time with his cousins--he developed a hero worship that is usually reserved only for the dogs.
So sweet.
My mother in law retired the week of John's birthday. The day after she retired, she was on a plane to the US to make it in for the party and a good visit with her favorite grandson. I haven't mentioned Craig's family all that much, but I have to tell you, they make a HUGE, HUGE effort to be a part of Johnathon's life, even though they are so far away. His wardrobe alone is about 80% from his grandparents!
So, happy first birthday to my sweet baby boy. It has been such a privilege to be your mommy.