Baby update: I am sixteen weeks preggo today!! That's four months for folks like my mom who want monthly progression, not weekly. Everything still seems to be going well. I'm getting bigger. People can't tell I am pregnant, but Craig and I can. My lower tummy is definitely bigger and it gets bigger and harder at night (that's what she said*). I'm not big enough for maternity clothes, but my jean buttons are getting a little uncomfortable. I think the baby is moving quite a bit, though. This morning, I woke up and my bump was lopsided--like baby was tilted up. Is that normal at this stage? Anyone? (BTW, It's not lopsided anymore.)
An update for my previous post. We didn't get the house. The owner rejected our offer and counter offer with the statement "People in my neighborhood are just giving their houses away and I am not going to do that." Considering that your house has been on the market for seven months and in that time you have rejected two offers (including ours) and four other houses have sold in your neighborhood, good luck, buddy!
So, on to choice #2--a new construction. It's a very pretty house with a terrific layout and the builder said it's an "easy 45 days" to completion. Now, I'm not familiar with builders, but anytime someone says it's going to be easy, I get nervous. However, we really like the neighborhood and it's a straightforward commute to Craig's office. It's farther out that we were hoping for, but with all things, the farther out you get, the more you get for your money. SO, it's a bigger house than we have seen before and it's not like we would be completely in the middle of nowhere. I had my doubts about that until our realtor showed me the new Target, Wal-Mart, Kroger, and movie theater. As long as I am within a reasonable distance to things like that that make me happy, I am all good. :) Plus, there's a fancy Petsmart in the same shopping area for two incredibly spoiled doggies I know. Tonight we are going to the builder's design center to check out what the cabinets, fixtures, etc. are going to look like. We haven't put an offer in yet, but if all goes well tonight, then an offer is on the way!
We are, however, officially, homeless. Last week, I went back to AR to supervise the packing and moving of our "old" house. Let me tell you, if you ever have the opportunity to use a packing and moving service, GO FOR IT. I very literally sat on the couch while the moving team packed up everything and put it on the moving truck. It was the easiest move I have ever experienced. The relocation and the new buyers are closing today (it was supposed to be on Friday, but the buyers are a tad difficult and moved it to Monday.)
It was so, so, so nice being back in familiar surroundings with friends. Not to get all pathetic on you, but I seriously know no one up here and it was nice to be back with friends to talk to and see. I mean, the hotel cleaning staff and the maintence crew are very nice, but it just ain't the same. So much has happened since I've been away and it's only been three weeks! First off, L met me at the house with flowers, orange juice, and soda. Really, how thoughtful is she? T and J's baby girl has gotten so big and cute (she's three months); C and A's baby was born two weeks ago and tiny, tiny little (but also very cute). And J and M's baby girl was just born this weekend. Babies, babies everywhere! That makes four out of four friends who have had baby girls since June. The law of averages will let you know what I think we are having...
While we were back, T had arranged a friends get-together on Thursday for dinner. I was excited because I was looking forward to seeing people. I walk into the restaurant, see all those familiar and loved faces, and then T tells me, "SUPRISE!!! IT'S A BABY SHOWER!!!!!" I promptly burst into tears.
A little background--one day, sometime before we moved, Craig and I were driving around, just talking about the baby and moving, etc. I started to well up and cry (you will notice a prevelent theme of hormones throughout my pregnancy). I was having myself a pity party because some of my closest friends were pregnant and we were all going through the same thing at the same time and now I was moving away and that got me going on baby showers. And how I wouldn't have a baby shower because we don't know anyone in Cincinnati and it's unfair to ask people to travel this far for a shower (I wasn't planning on registering for baby stuff precisely for this reason. I have since been told that I am being stupid and to go register--we will after we find out the gender). I wasn't upset because I wouldn't be getting any gifts--it was that elementary school fear of "What if I throw a party and no one comes? What if I really don't have any friends?" Seriously. Even to this day, I am still suprised (and grateful) that people come over when I invite them.
Back to the party--there were so many gifts!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! We started opening gifts after dinner and, once again, I cried and cried. Cried because I couldn't believe I was having a baby shower, cried because people were so generous, cried because baby stuff is SO STINKING CUTE AND LITTLE. Cried because I was so overwhelmed with just the friendship that people showed us and, yes, cried a little because we were well and truly leaving this time.
It was the suprise element that made me cry so much--not the hormones, although I am sure Craig will argue that point. It turns out that the baby shower was my dear, wonderful husband's idea and T (mother of a three month old) and J (who would be in labor two days later) organized it!!!!
So, a huge, teary, deep down from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to all who attended the shower or who couldn't attend, but were there in spirit. It meant more to me that you know (but have tried to explain in this post).
*Jim and Pam are getting married this Thursday on "The Office"!!!! I am very excited. I have seen pictures of the wedding, however, and Pam is only about a month ahead of me in her fictional pregnancy--she's big. AND, John Krasinski is ENGAGED. To someone who is not me. I shun him.