Monday, July 13, 2009

When Craig's parents were here, the dishwasher broke. At least, that is what Craig's father said. So, me, being the-take-the-bull-by-the-horns kinda gal, started poking buttons on the thing, opening and closing it, turning it on and turning it off, taking the cover off the drain and checking for blockages and declared that YES, THE DISHWASHER IS NOT DRAINING. It made a funny noise when I turned it on then turned it off.

So the dishwasher sat there since Thursday night, unused and unloved. (The dishes that were already loaded into the dishwasher sat there, too. June Cleaver I am not. Washing dishes BY HAND?? Screw that shiz.)

My thinking is totally in line with the Facebook Quiz "What Decade Fits Your Personality Best?" Here is my answer:

Vicki completed the quiz "What Decade Fits Your Personality Best?" with the result 2000's.
You're always a step ahead of what has become the norm, whether it be technology, cultural trends, or your political beliefs. Problematic world issues have become very important to you. You're independent, creative, and intelligent because you have to be in a culture that moves at such a fast pace. You are ultra dependent on your cell phone and to-do list, and know all the latest celebrity gossip (no matter how much you know it's a guilty pleasure). If someone could describe you in one word, it would be COMPETITIVE. Getting a high GPA in school, getting that promotion in your job, winning that sporting competition, or having the most cutting-edge computer are all high priorities for you. Most likely, you strive to be "politically-correct" and involved in social activism that you feel strongly about. You're responsible in the day and a total party animal at night. You like "indie," non-mainstream, non-"sell-out" bands but you secretly listen to the Top 40 songs on your radio when you drive alone. You're modern, driven, and have high expectations for everything you do...

See--nothing about washing things* by hand. If I can't throw it in a machine to get clean, then I don't buy it.

Back to the story. Me, being productive, call a plumber to see about this non-draining POS I have in my kitchen. He is supposed to come Monday morning. So, drag my unemployed self out of bed and put on some clothes and wait for Mr. Plumber to come on over.

Mr. Plumber turns out to be a cute young pup. He is not your typical plumber and if he is, then I'm going to start looking for things to break. Craig, my darling, I do love you, but you can't fix my dishwasher and he can.

So, I take Mr. Plumber to my kitchen and go through the whole process of turning it/off and making him listen to the noise.

Mr. Plumber gives me a look, then looks in the drain, then listens. And says
"That noise IS the dishwasher draining. There's nothing wrong with your dishwasher. That will be $40."

And that is how my Monday began. How about yours?

*People excluded from this.
**Dirty dishes after Thursday were, in fact, washed by hand, but I threw nasty looks at the dishwasher.

1 comment:

Denise said...

You make me laugh out loud. Love that you spent $40 to have quality time with the hot (really?? or just hot for Arkansas? :) ) plumber.