We found out we are having a son today. I'll confess--we've kinda known it was a boy for about a month, since the last ultrasound. The doctor was pretty sure of the gender then. Hee, hee.
But, now it's official!! There seriously was zero mistaking that it was a boy. My son was not shy in the least showing off his junk.
I'm still sort of in shock from finding out for realsies that it's a boy, but he is perfect. Measuring right on time, strong heartbeat (146), everything developing well.
Here's something I have learned: old wives' tales are C.R.A.P. Olden times wives must have been really stupid because they totally missed the boat on me. The old wives' tales had me all convinced I was carrying a girl--I am carrying high (like really high. Like suprise-the-doctor-with-the-height-of-my-fundus*-high). The baby's heartbeat has always been above 140. I have acne (thus, the baby girl is "stealing" my beauty). I will eat anything sweet (but, that's really not a pregnancy symptom. I will [and always have been willing to] cut you if you come between me and a brownie. May the Force be with you if said brownie is part of a warm brownie sundae. Yuuuummmm).
I'm showing now a litle bit, or at least, people are thinking I am pregnant rather than just fat. At the doctor's office today, I had only gained 5 pounds, so obviously, I was a tad bigger than I thought I was to begin with. My maternity clothes count: 1 pair of brown cords, 2 maternity shirts (1 green, 1 grey). In fact, when I bought the grey maternity shirt, I was in fact already wearing a grey shirt. The Kohl's employee observed the fact that I'm none too original in the fashion department. Ha, ha. Real &*^*# funny, lady.
WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THAT MATERNITY CLOTHES ARE SO COMFORTABLE??? Here I was, trying to close my pants with a rubber band around the button and having to change into my pj bottoms at night because the preggo tummy was bigger at night when all the while all you people who have been pregnant have been SILENT on the delicious relief of maternity clothes elastic waistbands. Since, as the Kohl's lady observed, I am no slave to fashion, I LOVE MATERNITY CLOTHES. At least, right now I do. I have a feeling that my maternity pants will become my Thanksgiving pants from here on out because I can totally pig out and still be comfortable. Seriously, is that a win-win or what?
Also, I have a job. I have come full circle, folks. I am officially a part time, seasonal worker at the local Bath and Body Works, the same company I worked for when I was a senior in high school. For minimum wage. Not to brag, but I rocked the interview (for the minimum wage job). My competition was a woman whose first question was "How many hours is this for? Because I'm on disability and I can't work too much or they will take my disability away." My other competition was a little tougher, but not by much. Thank you to my awesome references--B, I'm looking at you (here's hoping you get over the piggy flu fast, girl).
I'm looking forward to working--I am not a stay at home wife kinda gal. Don't get me wrong--I could TOTALLY get into being a Lady.Who.Lunches. The only problem is I don't know anyone To.Lunch.With (yet). Plus, I have had enough of "Cash Cab" and "Law and Order: SVU" marathons. Plus, I put my cranky pants on when I don't have anyone to talk to all day long.
Oh yes, and we have a house!!! It's that new construction I talked about a couple of posts ago. It will be finished in a couple of weeks and we close on November 18, at the latest!!!! Wheee!!! ALSO, the guy who turned us down on the first house we put an offer on called our realtor a couple of weeks ago to see what we were up to. What we were up to was putting an offer on a another house that was willing to deal, sir, so suck it.
*No, that's not dirty. Fundus=the height of the uterus. Usually at this point in pregnancy (18 weeks), the fundus is an inch or two below the belly button. Mine is an inch or two ABOVE the belly button. But then, again, I have always been an overachiever. :)
I guess I know what your family is getting for Christmas this year! Yippeee for more fun boys! Enjoy them now....maternity clothes do lose their appeal when even they don't fit anymore :)
they won't be so comfortable in march...
hey, i remember those BBW days!!! old times, man that was a while ago. you know i worked there for almost 14 years. can you believe it? i thought about getting a seasonal job there too, but then i decided i was nuts. :) congrats on the boy, too...they are so much fun. later!
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