The life and times of Mooner and the Missus (and a beautiful baby boy and two crazy dogs)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Once again with the hormones
First of all, I cry any time an American wins the gold medal and they show the athlete with his hand over his heart, singing the national anthem. I'm patriotic like that.
But. it's the commercials. The commercials are KILLING me.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Monday, February 22, 2010
Proof I wear clothes that are not pajamas
So, onto this week. It's 36 weeks today. That means that I am exactly one month away from my due date. YIKES!
How far along? 36 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss: 20 pounds
Maternity clothes? yup. But mostly Craig's t shirts and my pj bottoms
Sleep: Actually, I'm sleeping pretty well. I get up about once a night and that's usually it.
Best moment this week: I think it was having a date night/birthday celebration for Craig. I really enjoyed dressing up and going somewhere.
Movement: Yes--we're trying to identify the body parts that poke out. So far, we've identified his little butt and a foot.
Food cravings: Still milk, but not as much as before
Gender: boy (I'm thinking this one will not change)
Labor Signs: none yet. When I went to the doctor today, I was not dilated at all, but my cervix was soft. So, hooray? I DID get a Braxton-Hicks contraction today that was not pleasant. Completely different to the other one.
Belly Button in or out? Out. Like a turkey timer.
What I miss: Not feeling like my legs are about to come out of my hips (relaxin hormone)
What I am looking forward to: meeting Baby
Weekly Wisdom: Just came back from a Happiest Baby on the Block class and have realized that receiving blankets are not the same as swaddling blankets. And I have an enormous amount of receiving blankets.
Milestones: By the calendar, I am nine months' pregnant! Next week, I will be full term.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Happy Birthday!!!
Here he is in all of his 3 year old glory

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Pregnancy Brain
Well, you would think that the one thing a pregnant lady would actually remember is that she is pregnant and having a baby.
Two things have happened recently that I have to shake my head at mahself and just laugh because I am, when it boils down to it, a total dumbass.
#1: The weekend of the shower, my friend brought her ADORABLE infant. (I have always had a thing for fat babies, except this one, and my friend's daughter is so scrumptious I could eat her up). Anyway, it just so happens that we have a nursery all raring to go for a baby, so my friend and the baybee slept in there. We all went to bed and the next morning, I woke up to a baby crying. My first thought was (and I may have said this out loud to the hubs): "Holy sh!t. When did I have the baby?"
#2 Here is the big reveal. The baby's name is going to be Johnathon, after Craig's grandfather. I know this. It is embedded in my brain and my heart. It's not like I have no idea what my child's name is. I have known that our son would be named John since before we got married--Craig, even before his grandfather passed away, always wanted to name a boy after his grandfather. Craig and I were sitting on the couch, eating something, when he turns to me and says, "You know, I would not mind it at all if John was a chef." I looked at him (NO LIE) and asked point blank, "John who?"
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
34 weeks
Not much has changed since last week except I had my first Braxton-Hicks contractions. From what I had read about BH, they are mostly not painful and you really didn't feel them. I have news for Mr. Braxton and Mr. Hicks. YES YOU DO SO FEEL THEM. That's why many a preggo has confused them with real labor pains. I only had two and they were not all that pleasant. Fortunately, it was over in, like, two seconds. But, I went to lie down on the couch and felt sorry for myself anyway. And made Craig finish cooking dinner. I gotta get sympathy where I can
Monday, February 1, 2010
33 weeks and counting
How far along? 33 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss: about 17 pounds
Maternity clothes? yup. But mostly Craig's t shirts and my pj bottoms
Sleep: I get a few hours stretches at a time. I get up to pee or I have a leg cramp that wakes me up or the doggies wake me up to go outside at 6 a.m. (like clockwork). I do take naps (or, as Craig lovingly calls them, mini-comas).
Best moment this week: It was this weekend--my Vandy girls came to visit and we had a baby shower!

Movement: Yes--the kid has found my ribs and likes kicking them
Food cravings: I still drink a lot of milk. I go through a gallon a week. But, then of course, I have a cupcake or a cookie to go with it. So I don't know if the baby is trying to tell me he needs calcium or I just need something to go with my dessert.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: none yet
Belly Button in or out? neither yet--it's at the weird stage of flatness
What I miss: getting up from a reclining position without feeling like an upended turtle
What I am looking forward to: meeting Baby
Weekly Wisdom: I don't have to do it all myself. I CAN ask for help and it's no big deal.
Milestones: Just making it this far! Saw the doctor today--everything still looking good!