How far along? 33 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss: about 17 pounds
Maternity clothes? yup. But mostly Craig's t shirts and my pj bottoms
Sleep: I get a few hours stretches at a time. I get up to pee or I have a leg cramp that wakes me up or the doggies wake me up to go outside at 6 a.m. (like clockwork). I do take naps (or, as Craig lovingly calls them, mini-comas).
Best moment this week: It was this weekend--my Vandy girls came to visit and we had a baby shower!

Movement: Yes--the kid has found my ribs and likes kicking them
Food cravings: I still drink a lot of milk. I go through a gallon a week. But, then of course, I have a cupcake or a cookie to go with it. So I don't know if the baby is trying to tell me he needs calcium or I just need something to go with my dessert.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: none yet
Belly Button in or out? neither yet--it's at the weird stage of flatness
What I miss: getting up from a reclining position without feeling like an upended turtle
What I am looking forward to: meeting Baby
Weekly Wisdom: I don't have to do it all myself. I CAN ask for help and it's no big deal.
Milestones: Just making it this far! Saw the doctor today--everything still looking good!
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