What? You didn't know that we were going over to Wales for a week to visit family and attend a wedding? Didn't you read my bl.... oh. That's right. I am a blogging failure. It's been another long time since an update, no?
Well, yeah. We went to Wales for a week to visit family and attend Craig's best friend's wedding.
International travel with an 11 week old baby? Easy peasey. You just have to make sure that the grandparents travel with you to help cart around the insane amount of stuff babies travel with and you raise holy hell at the airport to get a bulkhead seat. And get a travel bassinet. And pray your baby sleeps the majority of the trip. And have lots of diapers. AND MAKE SURE THE GRANDPARENTS TRAVEL WITH YOU.
Craig's parents came over the week before we left to spend some alone time with their favorite grandson. It was the first time they met Johnathon and, if I may say so myself, it was love at first sight for all involved. Grandma and Grandpa had a great time with him and I got to spend the week running errands and such that I normally wouldn't be able to do (ahem, haircut and highlights).
Johnathon was a champion flier! Seriously. He did great. Look at him--doesn't he look happy to be on a plane?

And it's World Cup time in our household. Craig's UK team (Cardiff City Bluebirds) did not make it into the Premiership this year, but baby was ready for it! Craig has grand plans for his son's first World Cup (his goal is to watch ALL of the games. His goal includes my watching the games with him, but we'll see about that). The US's first game is against England, and, like a good Welshman, Craig is for the team who is playing against England.
I cant believe how big J is getting! What a cutie...
Glad he did so well on your trip and that everyone had a wonderful time. Love those big eyes - ready for the soccer to start!
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