Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Such a great summer!!

People, I KNOW I have been a bad blogger. I know. But, this summer has turned out to be a lot of fun and way busier than I expected. I think someone little and cute has something to do with it.

I just got back from two weeks in Arkansas visiting family and friends and have so much to tell you/show you. It can't be done right now because there's "Toddlers and Tiaras" marathon on, so obviously, I'm busy.

Johnathon and I went to the pediatrician when we got back. Yeah, my "little" baby weighs 19 pounds and is 27 inches long. He's bigger than his future wife (more on that later), who is one year old. She's a cougar, but we're okay with that.

But, the following video pretty much sums up our summer so far... (The laughing is from his Uncle Scott shaking J's firefly at him, off camera. I have not seen John laugh like that with anyone. So, Uncle Scott definitely has special talent!)


Sarah Mertz said...


What a shame that your child is neither adorable or happy.


Maeve said...

Great Laugh!