When I typed in my blog address, I had to type it all out. As in, the internet did not fill it out for me. As in, even I don't visit my blog enough for the computer to recognize it. I keep on telling myself I will fill it out, but the people who read my blog (usually) are my sister (who I talk to almost every day) and my college friends (who I just saw this weekend). BUT I will continue to fill the blogosphere with my gorgeous child. So there.
August recap: Craig's family came to visit for a couple of weeks. This was the big family trip--mother, father, brother, niece, and grandma (in-law) made the big trip across the pond. They did the same trip last year too. It was so much fun! It was good to see them all--I haven't seen Craig's brother, niece, and grandmother in a year. It was good to catch up. Plus, my niece rounds out the cousin trifecta--Johnathon is ALL ABOUT his cousins. He follows them around all day long and LOOOOVES them. Niece is no different--she has a little brother (who is not an in-law. Long story on that.) and so she was used to playing with children as young as Johnathon. SO CUTE!!
In addition to sewing (which we'll get to in a minute), my other new hobby is digital scrapbooking. I used to scrapbook, but once I started taking all my pictures with a digital camera, I never printed them out anymore, so I just didn't scrapbook. Apparently, I'm not the only one and there is this whole other universe out there on the web dedicated to digital scrapbooking. I'm kinda obsessed. I created a photobook for the inlaws trip to Cincinnati (this is supposed to be a surprise, so in-laws, if you are reading, surprise!) Here are two pages I created for Johnathon:
I know I am supposed to add credits when I do this. I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly, but the page on the left is from Jessica Sprague (www.jessicasprague.com) Intro to Digital Scrapbooking class. She is fantastic!! If you are at all interested in learning how to digital scrapbooking using Photoshop/Photoshop Elements, head there. The page on the right is created from the Babyface collection from WordArtWorld. |
My other hobby--sewing. Well, the enthusiasm is still there. But the sewing machine is still in the box. I haven't completed the skirt that was the final project. I'm PLANNING to, but I think you know how that goes. My parents are coming into town for a visit today, so hopefully, I'll get some time to finish it up. I think the reason I took to digiscrapping (using the lingo because I am a pro, obvs) is because I am MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more comfortable and confident using a computer/in my computer skills. And I freak out when I think about doing a sewing project by myself. I almost threw up when Craig encouraged me to go pick out fabric for the curtain I keep threatening to make. I did make a piped pillow with a zipper that I am quite proud of, though.
I am very, very lucky for many reasons--I have a loving, supportive husband, a healthy and happy child, parents and in-laws who make huge efforts to be an active part of my life. And I have college friends that I still talk to and see every chance we get. There is a group of seven of us, including me. Four of them, I lived with in college and after. Two I got to know better after we had already graduated. We are flung out around the country--Ohio, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, and New York. We take a girlie trip every five years (yes, even with my obvious youthful looks, this was our second trip). We went to Panama City Beach (cue Baha Men and airbrushed shirts) and despite the fact there was a tropical storm and tornado warnings, we all made it, damnit. Ain't no little thing like a hurricane going to get in the way of our beach vacay. (Actually, it did. We stayed in most of the time. When I personally started to walk on the beach, the heavens opens and the wind blew. I think it was God's way of saying he wanted me to sit on the couch and read.) As I said before, I am so incredibly lucky to be able to tag along with them. At several times throughout the weekend, I just sat back and watched them interact and talk and laugh and listen to me and each other and I just thought to myself, Vicki, you remember this and you be grateful. You love these strong, powerful, and unique women with ferocity and you be sure that your happy ass is on a plane, train, or automobile if they ever need you (which, without question, I would be).