Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ain't no stopping him now...he's on the move

Well, he's not quite at the Soul Train level, but my little man is definitely getting there.  He started taking his first tentative steps last week and now he has gained confidence and is walking ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!  For once, I'm actually really excited about this milestone.  I was mostly kinda sad for the other ones because it meant he was growing up, but I'm pumped about his walking.  For one, it means that I don't always have to carry him, so my lower back is extremely excited.  I will have video of him walking at some point, but I need to figure out how to edit the video--I was filming him for a long time in hopes that he would walk.  He finally did, but it took a while.

I don't know--it seems like once he hit his first birthday, he became this little boy.  He does all KINDS of fun things--sits in his chair and reads a book, yells at the neighbors out of the window and waves at them, eats bananas (OMG, this one really excites me.  He absolutely refused to eat a banana before his first birthday.  Now he eats an entire one).  While we are on the subject of food, he eats almost as much as I do.  For breakfast, for example?  He can eat an entire one egg, ham and cheese omelet WITH TOAST.  Seriously--is there any wonder why he is in the 97 percentile?  He's not such a fan of meat, though.  He likes turkey slice and chicken tenders, but meatballs?  Forget it.


Maeve said...

Yeah for walking! Meatballs will come. How fun. Can't wait to see that video!

Auntie said...

JD - you can come walk all over Auntie next week!!!! Can't wait to see my chunky-dunk!!!!!! Your cousins are VERY excited!!!