The life and times of Mooner and the Missus (and a beautiful baby boy and two crazy dogs)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Yabba Dabba Doo
The Flintstone Feet.
My feet and fingers have started swelling at night. :(
I guess the only remedy for it is to stay on the couch all day with my feet up.
For health reasons, of course
Friday, January 8, 2010
If the above quote is true, then DAMN I'M GOOD.
Proof? You want proof? You got it.
Perfection. MY child. (Okay, mine and Craig's child, but really, MY child. My son. My baby. MINE.)
Our 29 week scan was today and it went wonderfully. Normally, there is not a 29 week scan, but at the 18 week scan, the doctor found placenta previa, which means that my placenta was blocking my cervix and, therefore, preventing Baby from taking the V-Highway. If the placenta did not move, there were all kinds of scary possible outcomes that, being me, I obsessed over and researched on Google. But, I am happy to say that the Big Ol' Placenta has up and moved, so scary labor, here we come.
Back to Baby. LOOK AT HIM. Seriously. Was there ever a more beautiful, perfect baby in the whole wide world ever in the history of the earth? Didn't think so. Glad you agree. Look(!!) at those cheeks!!!!! I want to nom on them right.this.very.second. I am just so in love right now--I kept staring at the picture at the doctor's office. Then, I stared at the picture at home. Then, I stared at the scan of the picture on my computer. Then, I stared at the picture on this entry. Poor Baby--he's going to think "Why is this crazy lady looking at me like that? She's way creepy." True, son. True.
Everything is still going great with Baby. He's measuring well, growing well, looking faboosh. Right now, he weighs around three pounds. Dr. said that if he continues this rate of growth, then estimated birth weight is eight pounds. Dr. asked me AGAIN about natural birth. He was all "Now, are we going natural with the birth?" And I was all, "Look buddy, 'we' are going nowhere. I know I'm a hot momma and all, but let's keep this professional. My husband is RIGHT THERE and even though he looks like a 6'4" kewpie doll, he'll kick your a$$ (not really) because he is a protective daddy bear (for realsies). I think I have made myself perfectly clear. If not, there's a little something awesome you need to read and it's called my blog. Comprende? Give me the drugs. Kthxbai."*
Well, those weren't my exact words. I think my exact words were "No." But, I'm pretty confident he got the message.
*Ok, I have to come clean. That "kthxbai" is TOTAL STEAL from one of the blogs I stalk ( SHE IS HILARIOUS, KIDS. HI-LAREE-US. So funny, I giggle to myself like a creepy stalker while reading her blog because, well, I kinda am with her. Please go read her blog. You won't be sorry.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Let It Snow!! (with one condition)
Yup, it doesn't show signs of stopping until tomorrow night. Which would be absolutely fantastic (I love watching snow from my couch under a blanket), but Craig is supposed to be flying in from Salt Lake City tonight. I don't think it's going to happen. Poor thing--he'll just have to stay one more night where he has been staying:
Yeah, I don't feel sorry for him either.
UPDATE: Craig DID make it in last night, with no delays!!! I love direct flights!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Thoughts of a Crazy Lady

However, since Baby is half Craig, I think he may look more like this (some of you may remember me describing him when we first started dating as a 6'4" cross between Shoney's Big Boy and a Kewpie Doll--here they both are.):

Either way, I think the kid is doomed to have a ginormous head.
*But, I can't quit Discovery Health!!!! All the pregnancy shows!! ("I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"?? Really? REEEAALLLY? That kicking in your ribs you feel is just stress, is it? Oh, you were constipated, went to do #2 and had your baby in the toliet? You stay classy.) And all the fat people shows!!! ("Inside the Brookhaven Clinic"? How do you not realize you or a loved one weighs 500+ pounds?) AND!! "Hoarders:Buried Alive." (Which brings me to A&E's "Hoarders" as well.) My God, these people fascinate me. Those are my kind of reality shows. "The Bachelor" and the like can suck it.Monday, January 4, 2010
New Year, New Baby
New Year's/New Year's Eve was very, very calm. Craig's family and friends from the UK called to wish us a happy new year. I had to work until about 7:30 on New Year's Eve and even though I offered to go to a bar or somewhere more lively than our living room, Craig was happy to stay in and watch Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve. BTW--I really admire Dick Clark for coming on every year, but I really think he should maybe not do it anymore. I'm worrried about him.
As for today, it's snowing in Ohio, so while Craig is on a business trip, the doggies and I are staying in and staying warm. Is it really that wrong that I still have my pjs on and it's 1:30 in the afternoon? I fully intend on doing some things around the house, but I do not believe I need to change out of my pjs to do them.
This year I didn't make any resolutions. Craig and I hope and pray that Baby is healthy and strong, so other than that, we don't have many other wishes for 2010.