Anyhoo, now I am starting to focus on what to do after Baby is here, so what I need are your recommendations of books to read/books you found helpful. Yes, I fully realize that all the books in the world won't prepare me or Craig for the reality that is Parent.Hood, but it makes me feel better, mkay? We have The Happiest Baby on the Block and are down with that business, but what else?
I don't really want books on childbirth--my phobia of that still stands. It's not your run of the mill "Oh, I am nervous about labor" biznass, either. It's (still) full-blown, eyes WIDE.OPEN, mouth hung open in terror, crying, looking in horror at moms in labor phobia. Seriously, labor looks awful. I cried at "Knocked Up." Yeah, that "comedy" movie that has the money shot of labor? I cried. Not kidding. In.The.Theater. Have I mentioned I need to stop watching Discovery Health? My OB asked if I had any desire to "go natural" with the birth. I almost laughed, like crazy-woman, hysterical laughed at him. Oh, honey, if you only knew. (The quick answer to that is No. The long answer to that is Hell To The No. Give me drugs and make it snappy, Trapper John. I just wish that the epidural didn't have to go into my spine and make me worry that I will become paralyzed. Anyone else have that fear? Anyone? crickets chirping. S%#! I REALLY need to stop watching Discovery Health*)
And, I just wonder what he is going to look like!!! Sister has always said that my child will look like this because I am such a nerdy bookworm:

However, since Baby is half Craig, I think he may look more like this (some of you may remember me describing him when we first started dating as a 6'4" cross between Shoney's Big Boy and a Kewpie Doll--here they both are.):

Either way, I think the kid is doomed to have a ginormous head.
*But, I can't quit Discovery Health!!!! All the pregnancy shows!! ("I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"?? Really? REEEAALLLY? That kicking in your ribs you feel is just stress, is it? Oh, you were constipated, went to do #2 and had your baby in the toliet? You stay classy.) And all the fat people shows!!! ("Inside the Brookhaven Clinic"? How do you not realize you or a loved one weighs 500+ pounds?) AND!! "Hoarders:Buried Alive." (Which brings me to A&E's "Hoarders" as well.) My God, these people fascinate me. Those are my kind of reality shows. "The Bachelor" and the like can suck it.
You make me laugh. You really should watch the Bachelor, though - I have coined this season as the one where the women have no brains and extra big ta-tas. Yes, significantly different from previous seasons. They've gone sort of "Rock of Love"-esque, which I love. Books - I had "What to expect the first year," the "Girlfriends Guide," and "Babywise" (which my brother in law coined "Baby Boot Camp" - only for type A, I can whip this baby into shape-types, like moi) I liked the "What to expect" book because it broke it down by month. I liked the "Girlfriends Guide" because it was funny and made me think that maybe, just maybe, I hadn't completely lost my mind. Jim would disagree.
"Heathy Sleep Habits, Happy Child"
Of course I had to turn to this book because Ian was all out of sorts by his and my doing, but even with the "What? Seriously? reactions Chris and I worked like a charm." Also "The Mother of All Baby Books". I loved her "Mother of all Pregnancy" book too, if you need another.
PS. You really need to hide your remote!
I will bring the big stacks and stacks of books that I received as hand-me-downs. You can make the choice as to which of the books work for you!
Yes I watched too many discovery heath shows, with all my pregnancys. And yes I was afraid of being paralyzed and just about getting an epideral in general the 1st time - then after that I realized the joys of an epideral and quickly got over my fear. Really it doesn't hurt when compared to the labor pains it will make go away. As far as books, I just remember going to the library and basically checking every and anything one by one until I felt like I knew what was going to happen.
One more thing, realize that no matter how much you try to plan or envision your birth, it will always be different and turn out however it wants to turn out. You'll be ok Vicki, you are a tough cookie.
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