If the above quote is true, then DAMN I'M GOOD.
Proof? You want proof? You got it.
Perfection. MY child. (Okay, mine and Craig's child, but really, MY child. My son. My baby. MINE.)
Our 29 week scan was today and it went wonderfully. Normally, there is not a 29 week scan, but at the 18 week scan, the doctor found placenta previa, which means that my placenta was blocking my cervix and, therefore, preventing Baby from taking the V-Highway. If the placenta did not move, there were all kinds of scary possible outcomes that, being me, I obsessed over and researched on Google. But, I am happy to say that the Big Ol' Placenta has up and moved, so scary labor, here we come.
Back to Baby. LOOK AT HIM. Seriously. Was there ever a more beautiful, perfect baby in the whole wide world ever in the history of the earth? Didn't think so. Glad you agree. Look(!!) at those cheeks!!!!! I want to nom on them right.this.very.second. I am just so in love right now--I kept staring at the picture at the doctor's office. Then, I stared at the picture at home. Then, I stared at the scan of the picture on my computer. Then, I stared at the picture on this entry. Poor Baby--he's going to think "Why is this crazy lady looking at me like that? She's way creepy." True, son. True.
Everything is still going great with Baby. He's measuring well, growing well, looking faboosh. Right now, he weighs around three pounds. Dr. said that if he continues this rate of growth, then estimated birth weight is eight pounds. Dr. asked me AGAIN about natural birth. He was all "Now, are we going natural with the birth?" And I was all, "Look buddy, 'we' are going nowhere. I know I'm a hot momma and all, but let's keep this professional. My husband is RIGHT THERE and even though he looks like a 6'4" kewpie doll, he'll kick your a$$ (not really) because he is a protective daddy bear (for realsies). I think I have made myself perfectly clear. If not, there's a little something awesome you need to read and it's called my blog. Comprende? Give me the drugs. Kthxbai."*
Well, those weren't my exact words. I think my exact words were "No." But, I'm pretty confident he got the message.
*Ok, I have to come clean. That "kthxbai" is TOTAL STEAL from one of the blogs I stalk (www.jennepper.com). SHE IS HILARIOUS, KIDS. HI-LAREE-US. So funny, I giggle to myself like a creepy stalker while reading her blog because, well, I kinda am with her. Please go read her blog. You won't be sorry.
He is without a doubt the most beautiful baby ever. Somehow, this is always true.
I just LOVE chubby cheeks on a baby. He's precious, and I can't wait to see those cheeks in full color in a few weeks.
Thanks for delurking today! I hope you'll come out to play more often!
I can't believe how much he looks like Macey! Hope all is going well. He's going to be here before we know it. Take care of yourself.
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