Monday, June 22, 2009

Garden 2009

This is what we've been working on for the summer--the garden. We've had a garden for the past three years, but this one by far has been the most successful. This year, we planted:

(As you can also see, I have discovered Flickr and slideshows)

As for me, I am getting The House In Order for when Craig's family crosses the pond and visits at the end of the week. After his family gets in town, we'll hang out at the house for a couple of hours, then we will begin our car journey to Destin, FL for a "proper beach holiday." This road trip will be about 12 hours. Keep in mind that Craig's two and a half year old niece is also on board. She, poor thing, will in the space of 24 hours, complete a trans-Atlantic flight, a three hour car trip to my parents' house, then wake up at 3 a.m. (our time, who knows what time she'll think it is) and then be in the car for another 9 or so hours. Fun times for her!!! We've tried to make some things easier, though. Craig and I went shopping for our niece this weekend and it was SO MUCH FUN! I have two nephews, so the only kid's stuff I ever bought was "boy stuff"--cars, dinosaurs, superhero things. Shopping for a girl is so different and cute. Stores have so much more cutesy things for girls. So, here's the haul Niece received (so far--it's Monday today, they get here on Friday. Can't be sure I'm not going to get more stuff!)
1. A pink folding chair for the beach and lounging around the backyard
2. A princess beach towel
3. A blow up pool for the backyard
4. A 4th of July shirt (because what Welsh 2 1/2 year old does NOT need one of these?? Actually, we got a shirt for everyone
5. A SOOOOO cute dress from Old Navy with red, white, and blue stars on it
6. DVDs for the drive down and some inside entertainment when she gets too hot at the beach

I can't wait!!

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