Friday, November 19, 2010

Well, no new computer yet.

Still waiting on my new computer. While I wait, here is some cuteness that was my son on Halloween.

He was such a cute little monkey!!! He was not all that impressed with the Halloween business, though--he was asleep by 7:15 that night.

And, AND...he turned 8 months old yesterday. EIGHT MONTHS. That's awfully close to one year and I don't think I am ready for that.

The computer is making "I'm working too hard and about to blow up" noises, so I guess that is the end of this post. :(

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Since you haven't heard from me in a while, I suppose that the news I am taking a small break from blogging should not come as a surprise.

No--the reason isn't dramatic like I need time to myself or I am going through some personal drama.

It's because my computer is now a POS and has 1% memory free.

It keeps freezing up and is so completely slow, it's ridiculous. So all the cute photos and videos I WANT to put on here can't because my computer will not allow it.

As soon as we get a new computer, I'm back, baby!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Quick update

'Ello, Guvna!

So, it seems that I owe you an update of our summer so far. Here goes a condensed version...

The trip back home was fantastic!! The cousins got to meet for the first time and everyone loved everyone. And I realized how freaking huge Johnathon is. He is almost as long as his older cousin. HIS FOUR YEAR OLD OLDER COUSIN. And he is certainly as big as my friends' children, both of whom are girls born in July 2009 and November 2009.

We went to the pediatrician the day we returned for our four month check up--yup, 97th percentile in height (27 inches), weight (19.1 pounds) and head circumference (17.5 inches). My boy is a big'un.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I love you, Polly

This woman seriously rocks my world and I love her very much. I have no clue what she looks like, where she lives, or how she takes her coffee, but I would gladly kiss her feet. (Got this off, so you cannot Click to LOOK INSIDE!)

Who is this woman and why have I suddenly developed a toe fetish?


That's why.

So, this little nugget of a book basically says to put your baby down every 90 minutes for a nap (hence, the name. Clever, no?). When I read that, I was all, "Sha! {snort} Ain't no way my baby is going to take a friggin' nap every hour and a half. You are smoking some major crack, Polly."

And then, he did. The first day I tried this, I was at my parents' house and we were in a different time zone without his crib. AND HE SLEPT FOR FOUR HOURS (total, not all at the same time). This, from my baby who slept a max of 45 minutes, twice a day.

Now, as he grows older, he can stay up more time, but no lie. My boy gets sleepy and goes down without a fuss every 90 minutes.

Unfortunately, I think we are going through some night time sleep regression, so he isn't sleeping as well as he was during the night, but I think it's a temporary phase. He may be starting to teethe, so really, the Universe is just soooo on my side right now. But, I am going to take success where I can get it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Such a great summer!!

People, I KNOW I have been a bad blogger. I know. But, this summer has turned out to be a lot of fun and way busier than I expected. I think someone little and cute has something to do with it.

I just got back from two weeks in Arkansas visiting family and friends and have so much to tell you/show you. It can't be done right now because there's "Toddlers and Tiaras" marathon on, so obviously, I'm busy.

Johnathon and I went to the pediatrician when we got back. Yeah, my "little" baby weighs 19 pounds and is 27 inches long. He's bigger than his future wife (more on that later), who is one year old. She's a cougar, but we're okay with that.

But, the following video pretty much sums up our summer so far... (The laughing is from his Uncle Scott shaking J's firefly at him, off camera. I have not seen John laugh like that with anyone. So, Uncle Scott definitely has special talent!)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

It's J's first Independence Day. HA! HA!! USA! USA! USA!Suck on it, British people!!! Oh, wait.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
- Ruth Hulbert Hamilton
This. Please, please, please. Let me remember this.
I've become increasingly frustrated with Johnathon's absolutely inability to sleep for naps on his own, instead of in my arms. Because of all the things I "have" to do. And I'm getting annoyed that he is a great sleeper--we're talking three hour naps--AS LONG AS I AM NEAR HIM, preferably holding him. Next best is sleeping beside him. For night time, he's fine. It's the naps during the day.
BUT then I see pictures of him when he was only days old and he has changed so much since then and I know three months from now he'll change even more. I can't even comprehend a year, three years, and beyond from now.
So, for now, I'm going to enjoy my baby while I can.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mommy Time/Daddy Time, Summer Edition

We've taken the Little to his first pool experience. And, again, there are differences to how Mommy does it and how Daddy does it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

So THIS is what no sleep does to you...

Oh y'all. OH Y'ALL.

I have not had more than an hour's sleep in a week. Not kidding. Wish I were. Ever since we got back from Wales, J's sleeping has been a nightmare. Oh wait, you have to be asleep to have a nightmare.

After we returned, mah baby got the sniffles (and gave Mommy the sniffles, too, but bad). So, he wasn't sleeping very well because he couldn't breathe very well. That blue nasal aspirator I got in the hospital? Useless so far. Got nothing out of his little stuffed up nose. So, no relief for him. He's still a little sniffly, but is well on the road to recovery.

His sleeping habits? Not so much. We, of course, picked the week we returned to put him in his crib (he outgrew the pack and play bassinet) because we figured we would start fresh with a new place when we got back. It worked like a charm the two days between our return and his cold. A CHARM, I TELL YOU. Slept for five hours straight at a time and only got up once or twice through the night. I thought I would have no problem with MY child sleeping through the night. Pshaw on those the stupid sleep books on how to get your baby to sleep through the night. Amateurs. I know how to put my child to sleep and I am a new mother. I have a night night time routine, I massage him, I soothe him, he's out like a light. Ok, so fine, when I put him down for a nap, his eyes pop wide open, but that's okay because he sleeps well at night. And, Craig and I finally have time to ourselves at night and we have our room back to where we can turn on the lights and watch tv in bed if we want to. Suck on that, baby experts.

Well, that has come to bite me in the ass. Hard.

Because, OH MY SWEET LORD, my child will not sleep. Let's take yesterday, for instance, which looks a lot like every other day for the past week. He wakes up for good around 8:30. Around 10 am, he starts to get sleepy again, so I try to put him down for a nap. He's not having any of it. So, Craig tries to put him down for a nap. Nope. AT 1 PM, (yes, that's right, three hours later), I finally sit down in the recliner and hold him for three hours while he takes a nap (I nap too). Every time we put him down, he wakes up and starts to cry. That night, we put him down at 8:30 after a bath, massage, bottle, and rocking. He goes down like a dream, all sweet and cute in his crib. Fast forward to 9:30--wakes himself up. I soothe him and he's out again in 10 minutes. Go back down to enjoy a glass of wine. Fast forward to midnight. He's up for a little bit to nurse and he's out. Then, the fun begins. Because the same thing happens at 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

International Traveller

Baby has now crossed the pond.

What? You didn't know that we were going over to Wales for a week to visit family and attend a wedding? Didn't you read my bl.... oh. That's right. I am a blogging failure. It's been another long time since an update, no?

Well, yeah. We went to Wales for a week to visit family and attend Craig's best friend's wedding.

International travel with an 11 week old baby? Easy peasey. You just have to make sure that the grandparents travel with you to help cart around the insane amount of stuff babies travel with and you raise holy hell at the airport to get a bulkhead seat. And get a travel bassinet. And pray your baby sleeps the majority of the trip. And have lots of diapers. AND MAKE SURE THE GRANDPARENTS TRAVEL WITH YOU.

Craig's parents came over the week before we left to spend some alone time with their favorite grandson. It was the first time they met Johnathon and, if I may say so myself, it was love at first sight for all involved. Grandma and Grandpa had a great time with him and I got to spend the week running errands and such that I normally wouldn't be able to do (ahem, haircut and highlights).

Johnathon was a champion flier! Seriously. He did great. Look at him--doesn't he look happy to be on a plane?
He was a big hit with everyone. I was really excited for him to meet his uncle and cousin. It was important to me and Craig for Johnathon to meet his great-grandmothers and his great-aunts, too.

And it's World Cup time in our household. Craig's UK team (Cardiff City Bluebirds) did not make it into the Premiership this year, but baby was ready for it! Craig has grand plans for his son's first World Cup (his goal is to watch ALL of the games. His goal includes my watching the games with him, but we'll see about that). The US's first game is against England, and, like a good Welshman, Craig is for the team who is playing against England.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What? I have a blog?'s been a while since the old bloggy update, hasn't it?
Well, I've been a little busy--you know that letter I wrote to Johnathon last post? You know, the one where I'm looking lovingly down at him while he is sleeping in my arms? Yeah, well, he hasn't really moved since then. His favorite place to sleep? In Mommy's arms.
Normally, I don't mind it. Basically, because I know he's only going to be this little for a very, VERY short amount of time and I want to soak it all in. But, my left arm really hurts. Like, I have to stretch it out every night because some cute little baby is always in it. Before it gets to really be a problem, I am trying to get him to sleep in a variety of places--his Boppy chair, the basinette, the swing. Pretty much everywhere I can think of. However, once I put him down, his big brown eyes pop wide open and they look at me and say, "Ahem. I did not give you permission to place me out of your arms. Back I go before I start making serious noise, woman." And the dog hair continues to cover the couch and the kitchen floor. I was not Suzy Homemaker meets Merry Maids before all this baby business started, so you can imagine what wreckage my house is (and continues to be).

What is that you say? If my house is such a wreck, why am I faffing about on the computer? Because it's all about my readers, obviously (and perez hilton). That and a wonderful little thing called a Moby Wrap which has allowed me to go about my daily chores for a little bit.
A Moby Wrap is one long a$$ piece of cloth that allows me to wrap my baybee close and snuggly and still have two hands free. It's amazing and I love it and John loves it, so it's a win-win.

On to the update:

MOTHER'S DAY. Twas awesome, friends. My mother's day began the night before when Craig sleep on my side of the bed in order for me to get a more restful sleep while he got up with the baby. The original idea was for me to sleep in another room completely and not be bothered at all, but I couldn't do it. Plus, I have to get up to pump anyway, so it's not like I was going to sleep through the night regardless. Then, on Mother's Day morning, I woke up to a massive breakfast in bed. Behold, la feast:
The hubs, once again, comes through. I will skip the part where I reveal I had to TELL him Mother's Day was coming up and there would be hell to pay if he missed my very first ever Mother's Day. I am glad, though, I told him. Mother's Day in the UK is in March, so he very well may not have known. Included on that massive breakfast is a spa certificate for a massage, facial, and pedicure. My man knows what mama likes *

Mommies vs. Daddies. There is a show I recently started watching called "The Middle." Last week, there was a very funny episode on how Mother's Day and Father's Day are vastly different, basically because Daddy is in charge of Mother's Day and mommies are in charge of Father's Day. It got me thinking--are there THAT many differences between the way Mommy does things and the way Daddy does things?

Well, there are things that I like to make sure I do with Johnathon as close to on a daily basis as possible. These things include:
Tummy Time/Activity Mat time in which I sing "Pop Goes the Weasel" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" to him about 50 times because those are the songs that the activity mat has and he likes them.

Walks, with and without the doggies.

Moby wrapping.

Naps. On my sexy, sweatpant wearing legs.

And here's what Daddy does...

Regardless, I think Johnathon is a happy little fella and very, extremely cute.

*that's what she said.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dear Johnathon

Dear Johnathon,

Yesterday, you were exactly one month old and right now you are sleeping so peacefully in my arms that I'm not entirely sure I will ever be able to let you go. I'm sitting with you in bed, my hair needs brushing, the kitchen needs cleaning, the laundry needs folding, the dogs desperately need a walk, thank you cards need to be written, and yet..and yet, I find myself utterly unable to move. I am transfixed by the little sounds you make while you sleep, the unconscious half smiles, your warmth so close to me, the smell of your sweet little head (wow do you look exactly like your daddy).

I cry that you are already one month old. Before I am ready, you will be living your own life and
I cannot bear the thought, even if it is years away. The past month has been amazing and every day I look at you and can't believe you are mine.

We are both pretty new to this--you to the whole life on the outside business, me to the Mommy thing, but I think we've been doing pretty good. You seem pretty happy (except when you are hungry or getting changed) and I promise I will work to my last breath to keep you that way. I was a little worried before you were born how I would react to someone being so dependent on me. Worried that being so independent (and sometimes selfish) for 33 years would be detrimental. However, you seem to be content wherever you are. It is me who is becoming more and more dependent on you. I feel incomplete when I am away from you. It's good to have "me" time, but for now, I am happiest with you. You recharge my batteries. You soothe me. I thought it was supposed to be other way around, but apparently not for us.

I love you,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How cool

Look at this:

a 3D ultrasound at 28 weeks vs. The Real Deal

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here comes Peter Cottontail...

The ONLY thing that kept me from dressing him as a full-out bunny rabbit, a la "A Christmas Story," is the fact that Babies R'Us did not have the bunny costume in his size.
Happy Easter!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Two weeks!

12 days today! We're getting the hang of it...except for breastfeeding.

Well, I'm having some trouble with it. Mainly, I'm not producing enough milk to keep John happy and satisfied. I thought there might have been a problem, so I called the leader of our local La Leche League (an organization specifically for promoting breastfeeding), who is also a lactation consultant at a hospital in town, and she made a house call on Sunday. She weighed the baby before and after I fed him and watched him nurse. Apparently, I'm not only having a supply issue, I'm having a "let down" (or, technically, a milk ejection reflex) issue. Basically, I'm not producing enough milk AND even if I were, my body is not letting the milk through. So, great. I'm screwed, in other words.

The lactation consultant thinks it may have something to do with my thyroid and inhibiting the level of oxytocin (affectionately known as the "cuddle hormone" Isn't that just so effing cute you could vomit and possibly throw things around the room in a massive rage?). Fantastic. That explains why I can be a raving lunatic beyotch sometimes. Hey, don't blame me because I'm mean--I DON'T MAKE THE FREAKING CUDDLE HORMONE.

Sunday was rough. I tried breastfeeding him, which, poor thing, he just nurses and nurses happily along, not knowing how different it all could be. Then...THEN, we try a bottle with some expressed breast milk. And he spits it all up and his sweet little face gets all red and he starts wailing. So, we try a bottle with an ounce of formula. Same thing. Talk about feeling like the worst mother on the planet. I was so upset, it brings tears to my eyes even thinking about it. I was inconsolable. Then, Sunday night, I try to breastfeed again and I cry throughout the whole thing, just apologizing to Johnathon over and over again because I KNEW I wasn't producing enough. I gave up the ghost on Monday night when I gave him his first full bottle of formula. And cried and cried again. Brutal.

BUT!!! It's Thursday now and I'm feeling alright! So, um, that previous part of the post was written in a kinda dark place. I'm much better today, even though it's only two days later. Johnathon has regained his birth weight and then some and it's all due to the fact we're actually feeding him now and he's getting full. So, huge difference. I'm still giving breastfeeding a good try--I'm pumping still and hell yeah(!), I pumped two ounces TWICE today. For reference, before I would pump for about 20 minutes and get anywhere from a half an ounce to an ounce, total. As in, from BOTH boobies. Yeah--not a whole lot. Two ounces still isn't a lot, but it's enough for a good feeding.

But, my baby is still bringing the cute:

He's sleeping better and he's getting a smidge better at the whole day/night thing.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

10 days old!!

Baby Johnathon is 10 whole days old. Where has the time gone????? I DO NOT WANT TIME TO BE FLYING BY THIS FAST.

He's so little and cute. Here are some pictures

But, he is definitely mixing up his days and his nights. John is a champion napper during the day--three hours at a stretch is a piece of cake for him. At night, not so much. He's up all the time. He just wants to eat and be held, sleep is not an option. I met with a lactation consultant today and I am having some issues with milk supply, so the fact that I can't keep him full enough also plays into the lack of sleeping at night. We're working on it, though!

My mom and dad have been here since last week and I swear, I don't know what I would have done without them. This week, Sister also came to visit and, again, I do not know how I am going to manage on my own. I've also had a couple of issues healing from labor, so my movements have been slow (today, I feel great, though!). All of my family has been so supportive of me getting as much sleep as I can and moving as little I can. But, being me, staying in one place or in bed all day is impossible. I have to get up and move around, even though it bugs my mom beyond her limit.

Ok--I've spent enough time away from my little. I'll update again later...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

He's here!!

I have been kinda busy the past week, so I am really, really late in posting, but

Johnathon Davies is here!!

He was born Thursday, March 18 at 7:30 a.m.. He weighed 7 pounds, 9 oz and was 20.9 inches long.

There will be pictures and more details to come, but for now, Craig and I are simply and absolutely in love with our little man. He's perfect and more than we could ever wish or hope for. He's health, strong, and all around wonderful. We had our first pediatrician appointment today and Johnathon is still doing well. He isn't back up to his birthweight yet, but he's eating well, so we're not concerned. He's doing a great job sleeping at night (and during the day). We're still working on him figuring out day and night.

My family is here to help out, but somehow, even with all the help, my free time is spent just staring at my sweet little boy. :) Can't help it. But, there are TONS of pictures and video that Daddy and Mommy have taken, so they WILL be posted soon. He's a beautiful, beautiful baby, even if I do say so myself. (And he totally looks like Craig.)

I ended up not needing an induction!!! I went into active labor late on St. Patrick's Day and delivered 30 minutes after my scheduled induction! I was really happy to have the birth experience that I wanted. I'm doing well--some aches and pains, but nothing out of the ordinary after birth pains.

More to come...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March, it is

First let me brag about my wonderful husband/babydaddy.

We have a pregnancy journal called The Belly Book. It's a week by week journal of my pregnancy. Almost every week, we've taken a picture of me and the bump and I've written a little summary of the week. Craig sometimes contributes.

This morning, I get out The Belly Book and turn to Week 38 and here is what I see:

"So, I know I haven't been writing in the book as much as I should have but I have been thinking about you constantly. We're all really excited to meet you. Not too long to go now! Love Dad"

Commence crying. AGAIN. I don't say it enough and when you hear us talk, we are so sarcastic to each other that some people have sat and stared at us, but, I really have married such an amazing man and sometimes I just can't believe my luck.

Onto Baby news. I don't think I've mentioned this before, but my doctor is going out of town on my due date. This is not new to us--the doc let us know on our first visit this was going to happen (well, sort of. He first said it was the week I was due, then he said it was the week after, then he reconfirmed that it WAS the week I was due). At the time, I really didn't think it was a big deal because the baby has always measured ahead of time, so I have convinced myself he's coming early. No need to worry about it, doc, he'll come before then!!!

Fast forward to now. Well, it's getting to be crunch time and the doctor has given me the option of elective induction or just wait until I go into labor spontaneously. I may watch too many movies, but I was looking forward to the whole, "Honey, let's go. I'm in labor" drive to the hospital. So, induction wasn't REALLY what I wanted. But, the practical, planner, Type A side of me says fantastic!! If we have an induction, we are prepared for it.

Right now, I'm really hoping I DO go into labor on my own, but I think I've wrapped my head around an induction as well. You may be wondering why it matters. Well, with all the changes that we have had during this pregnancy (the move to Cincy, the house hunt, first baby, little support system in town), I think it would mean a lot of me to have the doctor that I have established a relationship with to deliver the baby. It may not mean a lot to HIM, but I think I would be more comfortable and relaxed knowing who was going to deliver, rather than just some stranger coming in. **I should add that my OB is a single practice. It's just him--he's not part of a group.

I know there are risks involved, but the people I know personally who have been induced have had great experiences.

Craig is coming with me to my appointment on Monday, so we'll be able to ask all the questions we have right now and if we feel comfortable with induction, then D-Day begins March 18 at 7 a.m. For those of you who do not have immediate access to a calendar, THAT IS ONE WEEK EXACTLY FROM TODAY.

I'm still hoping that I do go into labor on my own, but if nothing else, we will have a baby in one week. Wow.

A 38 week picture:
In other news, we're making friends!!!!! Our next door neighbors have been utterly fantastic in welcoming us to the area and really making us feel so comfortable here. They are the kind of neighbors you hope to get when you move into a new house. Last night, we had another couple over for dinner as well and they were very nice, too!! I am just so happy that we've started to meet people!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Holy Crap

It's March, y'all.

MARCH, I say!!!

As in, March 22 is my due date. As in, THIS is the month I give birth. As in, I'm going to be a mommy THIS MONTH.

Here's what Johnathon thinks
You and me both, buddy.
And, Happy 30th Birthday to my neighbor and new friend, Joe. Johnathon is also horrified you are so old :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Once again with the hormones

The Olympics. For goodness sake. They are not helping my emotional state of mind.

First of all, I cry any time an American wins the gold medal and they show the athlete with his hand over his heart, singing the national anthem. I'm patriotic like that.

But. it's the commercials. The commercials are KILLING me.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:


Monday, February 22, 2010

Proof I wear clothes that are not pajamas

But only for short periods of time. Immediately following this picture (we were home after celebrating Craig's birthday at a fancy-schmancy steak restaurant), I changed into pajamas and went to sleep. I was wearing HOSE, for goodness sake. And knee-high boots. I don't normally wear those things when I'm not pregnant.

So, onto this week. It's 36 weeks today. That means that I am exactly one month away from my due date. YIKES!

How far along? 36 weeks today

Total weight gain/loss: 20 pounds

Maternity clothes? yup. But mostly Craig's t shirts and my pj bottoms

Sleep: Actually, I'm sleeping pretty well. I get up about once a night and that's usually it.

Best moment this week: I think it was having a date night/birthday celebration for Craig. I really enjoyed dressing up and going somewhere.
Movement: Yes--we're trying to identify the body parts that poke out. So far, we've identified his little butt and a foot.

Food cravings: Still milk, but not as much as before

Gender: boy (I'm thinking this one will not change)

Labor Signs: none yet. When I went to the doctor today, I was not dilated at all, but my cervix was soft. So, hooray? I DID get a Braxton-Hicks contraction today that was not pleasant. Completely different to the other one.

Belly Button in or out? Out. Like a turkey timer.

What I miss: Not feeling like my legs are about to come out of my hips (relaxin hormone)

What I am looking forward to: meeting Baby

Weekly Wisdom: Just came back from a Happiest Baby on the Block class and have realized that receiving blankets are not the same as swaddling blankets. And I have an enormous amount of receiving blankets.

Milestones: By the calendar, I am nine months' pregnant! Next week, I will be full term.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is Craig's 33rd birthday!!!

Here he is in all of his 3 year old glory
I absolutely LOVE this picture of him!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pregnancy Brain

You have heard the term "pregnancy brain," no? It's where a pregnant lady will have foggy memory.

Well, you would think that the one thing a pregnant lady would actually remember is that she is pregnant and having a baby.


Two things have happened recently that I have to shake my head at mahself and just laugh because I am, when it boils down to it, a total dumbass.

#1: The weekend of the shower, my friend brought her ADORABLE infant. (I have always had a thing for fat babies, except this one, and my friend's daughter is so scrumptious I could eat her up). Anyway, it just so happens that we have a nursery all raring to go for a baby, so my friend and the baybee slept in there. We all went to bed and the next morning, I woke up to a baby crying. My first thought was (and I may have said this out loud to the hubs): "Holy sh!t. When did I have the baby?"

#2 Here is the big reveal. The baby's name is going to be Johnathon, after Craig's grandfather. I know this. It is embedded in my brain and my heart. It's not like I have no idea what my child's name is. I have known that our son would be named John since before we got married--Craig, even before his grandfather passed away, always wanted to name a boy after his grandfather. Craig and I were sitting on the couch, eating something, when he turns to me and says, "You know, I would not mind it at all if John was a chef." I looked at him (NO LIE) and asked point blank, "John who?"


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

34 weeks

So, here we are again. One week bigger!

Not much has changed since last week except I had my first Braxton-Hicks contractions. From what I had read about BH, they are mostly not painful and you really didn't feel them. I have news for Mr. Braxton and Mr. Hicks. YES YOU DO SO FEEL THEM. That's why many a preggo has confused them with real labor pains. I only had two and they were not all that pleasant. Fortunately, it was over in, like, two seconds. But, I went to lie down on the couch and felt sorry for myself anyway. And made Craig finish cooking dinner. I gotta get sympathy where I can

Monday, February 1, 2010

33 weeks and counting

I saw this on one of the blogs I stalk, so I thought I would try it out!

How far along? 33 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss: about 17 pounds
Maternity clothes? yup. But mostly Craig's t shirts and my pj bottoms
Sleep: I get a few hours stretches at a time. I get up to pee or I have a leg cramp that wakes me up or the doggies wake me up to go outside at 6 a.m. (like clockwork). I do take naps (or, as Craig lovingly calls them, mini-comas).
Best moment this week: It was this weekend--my Vandy girls came to visit and we had a baby shower!
Movement: Yes--the kid has found my ribs and likes kicking them
Food cravings: I still drink a lot of milk. I go through a gallon a week. But, then of course, I have a cupcake or a cookie to go with it. So I don't know if the baby is trying to tell me he needs calcium or I just need something to go with my dessert.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: none yet
Belly Button in or out? neither yet--it's at the weird stage of flatness
What I miss: getting up from a reclining position without feeling like an upended turtle
What I am looking forward to: meeting Baby
Weekly Wisdom: I don't have to do it all myself. I CAN ask for help and it's no big deal.
Milestones: Just making it this far! Saw the doctor today--everything still looking good!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yabba Dabba Doo

Well, it's begun.

The Flintstone Feet.

My feet and fingers have started swelling at night. :(

I guess the only remedy for it is to stay on the couch all day with my feet up.

For health reasons, of course

Friday, January 8, 2010


"Men are what their mothers made them."--Ralph Waldo Emerson

If the above quote is true, then DAMN I'M GOOD.

Proof? You want proof? You got it.

Perfection. MY child. (Okay, mine and Craig's child, but really, MY child. My son. My baby. MINE.)

Our 29 week scan was today and it went wonderfully. Normally, there is not a 29 week scan, but at the 18 week scan, the doctor found placenta previa, which means that my placenta was blocking my cervix and, therefore, preventing Baby from taking the V-Highway. If the placenta did not move, there were all kinds of scary possible outcomes that, being me, I obsessed over and researched on Google. But, I am happy to say that the Big Ol' Placenta has up and moved, so scary labor, here we come.

Back to Baby. LOOK AT HIM. Seriously. Was there ever a more beautiful, perfect baby in the whole wide world ever in the history of the earth? Didn't think so. Glad you agree. Look(!!) at those cheeks!!!!! I want to nom on them right.this.very.second. I am just so in love right now--I kept staring at the picture at the doctor's office. Then, I stared at the picture at home. Then, I stared at the scan of the picture on my computer. Then, I stared at the picture on this entry. Poor Baby--he's going to think "Why is this crazy lady looking at me like that? She's way creepy." True, son. True.

Everything is still going great with Baby. He's measuring well, growing well, looking faboosh. Right now, he weighs around three pounds. Dr. said that if he continues this rate of growth, then estimated birth weight is eight pounds. Dr. asked me AGAIN about natural birth. He was all "Now, are we going natural with the birth?" And I was all, "Look buddy, 'we' are going nowhere. I know I'm a hot momma and all, but let's keep this professional. My husband is RIGHT THERE and even though he looks like a 6'4" kewpie doll, he'll kick your a$$ (not really) because he is a protective daddy bear (for realsies). I think I have made myself perfectly clear. If not, there's a little something awesome you need to read and it's called my blog. Comprende? Give me the drugs. Kthxbai."*

Well, those weren't my exact words. I think my exact words were "No." But, I'm pretty confident he got the message.

*Ok, I have to come clean. That "kthxbai" is TOTAL STEAL from one of the blogs I stalk ( SHE IS HILARIOUS, KIDS. HI-LAREE-US. So funny, I giggle to myself like a creepy stalker while reading her blog because, well, I kinda am with her. Please go read her blog. You won't be sorry.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let It Snow!! (with one condition)

The first big snow for Cincinnati has begun. Look at the bundled up, neighborhood children sledding down the hill like a Norman Rockwell painting. Except NR didn't paint the crazed dog barking like a maniac at them.

Yup, it doesn't show signs of stopping until tomorrow night. Which would be absolutely fantastic (I love watching snow from my couch under a blanket), but Craig is supposed to be flying in from Salt Lake City tonight. I don't think it's going to happen. Poor thing--he'll just have to stay one more night where he has been staying:

Yeah, I don't feel sorry for him either.
UPDATE: Craig DID make it in last night, with no delays!!! I love direct flights!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thoughts of a Crazy Lady

Now that the third trimester has started and I am 29 weeks along, I have stopped (sort of) worrying that I am going to lose the baby (which I have feared pretty much every day since July 9) But, of course, I can focus on all the glory of labor and taking home a newborn (and HOORAY, now I can add the umbilical cord to Deadly Weapons Threatening My Child, in addition to the cord of the blinds. Ugh, I really need to stop watching Discovery Health). (And, no. Nothing is wrong with my umbilical cord. At least, that I know of--we have a dr's appt on Friday, YIPPEE!!! We get to see Baby again in three days!)

Anyhoo, now I am starting to focus on what to do after Baby is here, so what I need are your recommendations of books to read/books you found helpful. Yes, I fully realize that all the books in the world won't prepare me or Craig for the reality that is Parent.Hood, but it makes me feel better, mkay? We have The Happiest Baby on the Block and are down with that business, but what else?
I don't really want books on childbirth--my phobia of that still stands. It's not your run of the mill "Oh, I am nervous about labor" biznass, either. It's (still) full-blown, eyes WIDE.OPEN, mouth hung open in terror, crying, looking in horror at moms in labor phobia. Seriously, labor looks awful. I cried at "Knocked Up." Yeah, that "comedy" movie that has the money shot of labor? I cried. Not kidding. In.The.Theater. Have I mentioned I need to stop watching Discovery Health? My OB asked if I had any desire to "go natural" with the birth. I almost laughed, like crazy-woman, hysterical laughed at him. Oh, honey, if you only knew. (The quick answer to that is No. The long answer to that is Hell To The No. Give me drugs and make it snappy, Trapper John. I just wish that the epidural didn't have to go into my spine and make me worry that I will become paralyzed. Anyone else have that fear? Anyone? crickets chirping. S%#! I REALLY need to stop watching Discovery Health*)
And, I just wonder what he is going to look like!!! Sister has always said that my child will look like this because I am such a nerdy bookworm:

However, since Baby is half Craig, I think he may look more like this (some of you may remember me describing him when we first started dating as a 6'4" cross between Shoney's Big Boy and a Kewpie Doll--here they both are.):

Either way, I think the kid is doomed to have a ginormous head.

*But, I can't quit Discovery Health!!!! All the pregnancy shows!! ("I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"?? Really? REEEAALLLY? That kicking in your ribs you feel is just stress, is it? Oh, you were constipated, went to do #2 and had your baby in the toliet? You stay classy.) And all the fat people shows!!! ("Inside the Brookhaven Clinic"? How do you not realize you or a loved one weighs 500+ pounds?) AND!! "Hoarders:Buried Alive." (Which brings me to A&E's "Hoarders" as well.) My God, these people fascinate me. Those are my kind of reality shows. "The Bachelor" and the like can suck it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Baby

It's 2010. It's the year our baby is born!! I can't really wrap my head around it! He'll be here so soon.

New Year's/New Year's Eve was very, very calm. Craig's family and friends from the UK called to wish us a happy new year. I had to work until about 7:30 on New Year's Eve and even though I offered to go to a bar or somewhere more lively than our living room, Craig was happy to stay in and watch Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve. BTW--I really admire Dick Clark for coming on every year, but I really think he should maybe not do it anymore. I'm worrried about him.

As for today, it's snowing in Ohio, so while Craig is on a business trip, the doggies and I are staying in and staying warm. Is it really that wrong that I still have my pjs on and it's 1:30 in the afternoon? I fully intend on doing some things around the house, but I do not believe I need to change out of my pjs to do them.

This year I didn't make any resolutions. Craig and I hope and pray that Baby is healthy and strong, so other than that, we don't have many other wishes for 2010.