Monday, November 28, 2011

My little boy, sniff...

Last weekend, we took Johnathon to have his first haircut.  I had been resisting Craig every step of the way for months because I did not want to cut his hair.  Even after it was way past time to do it.  The kid had a mullet.  I don't know--haircutting just seemed like a very little boy thing to do and my baby is not a little boy, ergo etc etc, he does not need a haircut.
Mom, really.  I'll be ok.

So, I bit the bullet and took him to get a haircut.  The Woe.  And then!  The Cuteness.  I have to commend the haircutter--Cookie Cutters (woohoo!).  They plopped him right down into a chair that shaped as a car.  He was in heaven.  He didn't realize what was going on.  Of course, Craig and I took a zillion pictures.  Well, and there were a few tears, but not many, I promise.  And viola....

And, then, we went to Panera to celebrate....

Thanksgiving was this past week and I am thankful that Johnathon has a (mostly) strong stomach because his eating habit continue to baffle me.  Behold, his favorite foods:

Spaghetti, acceptable.

Green crayon, not so much acceptable.

Craig continues to do well in his back surgery recovery.  One of the goals that the hospital had set for him was to be able to walk three miles by the end of his six weeks' recovery.
Nailed it.  The Holiday in Lights 5K.
Honestly, I am so proud of Craig.  I think we had both forgotten what "normal" was.  For example, we had six people over for Thanksgiving dinner.  Craig was on his feet all day cooking (because he, honestly, loves cooking).  Friday, we took Johnathon to a holiday train exhibit.  Saturday and Sunday, we hung Christmas lights outside.  Now, to you, that sounds like a good weekend.  Before the surgery, that weekend would have been unimaginable.  ONE of those things we could have done as a family, not all of them.  Certainly not if we hosted Thanksgiving.  He would have been flat on his back, lying on ice for the rest of the weekend.  I was looking at past pictures of Johnathon recently and in so many of them, Craig is in the background, lying down.  I am so, so thankful for the surgery and what it continues to mean to Craig and our family.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I have a good reason!!!

For not posting at all during the month of October!!!!

At the very end of the last post, I mentioned that Craig was planning on getting back surgery at some point in the near future.  Little did I know that the surgery would actually take place three days later.  On Friday, September 30, Craig underwent a laminectomy on his L7 vertebra.  Our decision was somewhat made for us when we went to a second opinion from a very respected surgeon about the surgery.  He took a look at Craig's most recent MRI and said, "I'll clear my schedule for Friday."  It was Wednesday afternoon.  Apparently, Craig's disk was taking up about 95% of the space in his spine and numbness was starting to spread to both legs (up to that point, only one leg (!!) was numb.  (Sidenote:  seriously?  Who goes around thinking that not being able to feel your toes is normal?  Craig, that's who.)

So began a whirlwind of getting our ducks in a row because Craig's recovery would be at least six weeks.  My parents, who had just left the week before, came back on Thursday and watched Johnathon during the surgery and stayed for two weeks  Maggie, Craig's mother, flew in from Wales two weeks after the surgery to stay for the rest of his recovery (four weeks).

It's been a very busy time for us, but Craig is doing GREAT.  He is able to walk almost three miles, which is something I've actually never seen him be able to do.  He's fairly pain free and really excited about the future.  He gets excited about being able to walk around the grocery store, which, to be honest, I find so sad that he was in such pain for such a long time and just thought that was his lot in life.

The little munchkin is also doing great!!!!!!  Here we are on Halloween...he was not enthusiastic about his costume.

And some more fall fun...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Johnathon is 18 months!

Where has the time gone????  Seriously?  How can my son be close to two????

Things to know about J:
1.  He runs everywhere.  He only has one speed--as fast as his little legs can go.
2.  He is our dogs' worst nightmare.  He LOOOOOVES the dogs.  They do not always love him.  He wants to help them eat.  By picking up their bowls and following the dogs around with them, regardless of whether or not there is food in them.  He wants to hug them, constantly.  He wants to sleep with (or ON) them.  He likes to "play" chase with them by zooming straight at them with his Thomas the Tank Engine.
3.  He loves to dance.  He does a wiggle, then side to side head bop.  Cutest.thing.evah.
4.  He's our little detective.  Yesterday, I asked Craig where the TV remote was.  Johnathon ran off and started making noise in the kitchen.  We both look over and he is pointing right to the remote.  Either this means he is understanding way more than we think he is or we watch way too much tv.
5.  He loves school buses, garbage trucks, and lawn mowers.  It rocks his world when the bus drivers wave at him.

And, obviously, continues to grow bigger and cuter every single day!!!
Layout--Mulit-Photo Volume 1; page elements "Pocket Full of Sunshine" all by Connie Prince.  HUGE thank you to Carrie Lynne Photography for the amazing photos! 

As far as Craig and Vicki news--Craig is in the process of scheduling his back surgery.  It's finally time--we've tried every other manner to avoid it, but with the results from the past two MRIs, the situation is now unavoidable. He's in a good place about it--he's ready to do it and, hopefully, live relatively pain free.  His back has been bad for six years now, however, lately, it's gotten a lot worse and we're hoping that the surgery will improve his back so he can be more mobile and more active.  Send a thought or prayer out there for us.  Thanks.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Do you want fries with that?

My son has discovered ketchup.

Ketchup seems to go with everything in his world.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September already?

When I typed in my blog address, I had to type it all out.  As in, the internet did not fill it out for me.  As in, even I don't visit my blog enough for the computer to recognize it.  I keep on telling myself I will fill it out, but the people who read my blog (usually) are my sister (who I talk to almost every day) and my college friends (who I just saw this weekend).  BUT I will continue to fill the blogosphere with my gorgeous child.  So there.

August recap:  Craig's family came to visit for a couple of weeks.  This was the big family trip--mother, father, brother, niece, and grandma (in-law) made the big trip across the pond.  They did the same trip last year too.  It was so much fun!  It was good to see them all--I haven't seen Craig's brother, niece, and grandmother in a year.  It was good to catch up.  Plus, my niece rounds out the cousin trifecta--Johnathon is ALL ABOUT his cousins.  He follows them around all day long and LOOOOVES them.  Niece is no different--she has a little brother (who is not an in-law.  Long story on that.) and so she was used to playing with children as young as Johnathon.  SO CUTE!!

In addition to sewing (which we'll get to in a minute), my other new hobby is digital scrapbooking.  I used to scrapbook, but once I started taking all my pictures with a digital camera, I never printed them out anymore, so I just didn't scrapbook.  Apparently, I'm not the only one and there is this whole other universe out there on the web dedicated to digital scrapbooking.  I'm kinda obsessed.  I created a photobook for the inlaws trip to Cincinnati (this is supposed to be a surprise, so in-laws, if you are reading, surprise!)  Here are two pages I created for Johnathon:

I know I am supposed to add credits when I do this. I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly, but the page on the left is from Jessica Sprague ( Intro to Digital Scrapbooking class.  She is fantastic!!  If you are at all interested in learning how to digital scrapbooking using Photoshop/Photoshop Elements, head there.  The page on the right is created from the Babyface collection from WordArtWorld.
My other hobby--sewing.  Well, the enthusiasm is still there.  But the sewing machine is still in the box.  I haven't completed the skirt that was the final project.  I'm PLANNING to, but I think you know how that goes.  My parents are coming into town for a visit today, so hopefully, I'll get some time to finish it up.  I think the reason I took to digiscrapping (using the lingo because I am a pro, obvs) is because I am MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more comfortable and confident using a computer/in my computer skills.  And I freak out when I think about doing a sewing project by myself.  I almost threw up when Craig encouraged me to go pick out fabric for the curtain I keep threatening to make.  I did make a piped pillow with a zipper that I am quite proud of, though.

I am very, very lucky for many reasons--I have a loving, supportive husband, a healthy and happy child, parents and in-laws who make huge efforts to be an active part of my life.  And I have college friends that I still talk to and see every chance we get.  There is a group of seven of us, including me.  Four of them, I lived with in college and after.  Two I got to know better after we had already graduated.  We are flung out around the country--Ohio, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, and New York.  We take a girlie trip every five years (yes, even with my obvious youthful looks, this was our second trip).  We went to Panama City Beach (cue Baha Men and airbrushed shirts) and despite the fact there was a tropical storm and tornado warnings, we all made it, damnit.  Ain't no little thing like a hurricane going to get in the way of our beach vacay.  (Actually, it did.  We stayed in most of the time.  When I personally started to walk on the beach, the heavens opens and the wind blew. I think it was God's way of saying he wanted me to sit on the couch and read.)  As I said before, I am so incredibly lucky to be able to tag along with them.  At several times throughout the weekend, I just sat back and watched them interact and talk and laugh and listen to me and each other and I just thought to myself, Vicki, you remember this and you be grateful.  You love these strong, powerful, and unique women with ferocity and you be sure that your happy ass is on a plane, train, or automobile if they ever need you (which, without question, I would be).

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Your Christmas Gifts...

That's right.  I can now make pillowcases.  But only for a 16x16" pillow.  The sewing instructor said that I could adjust the measurements to fit any square pillow, but I am not yet at the "adjusting patterns" point.  I will make a pillowcase, I will make it for a certain size pillow, and you will like it.

But, WHEE!!!!  I can make a pillowcase!!  The fabric does not go with any color scheme currently in our house, but I loved it and used it.

Also, a possible Christmas gift?
The shirt, not the kid.
Applique, boom!  I did that!  The J on his shirt--ME!!!  Using a zig-zag stitch.  Yep--MULTI stitching now!  Currently, I am on my third sewing project but we didn't complete it in last week's class.

Discovering blueberry muffins
July has been kinda a bust as far as activites are concerned.  It's been so freaking hot outside that we don't even go to the pool.  I let him wander around outside for about 5 minutes then haul him back into the cool.  (These pics were taken on my iPhone, then edited with a Photoshop app --PS Express, it's free!  Not to plug a brand or anything, but these are the coolest pictures I've ever taken with a phone!)
Thank God he think weeds are flowers.
Laughing at the dogs.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


If you have seen Team America, then you know how to say the above line.  If not, don't waste your time.  It's kinda a crap movie.

Last year for the Fourth of July, we took exactly one picture.  That we can't find because we have since bought a new computer.

So, this year I was bound and determined to get many pictures of him, as it was America's Birthday, yo.

Some of my favorites:

Oh, how I love this kid!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Don't Laugh

I KNOW!!!  Two posts in one month.  Can you stand it?

Johnathon is upstairs sleeping.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE his new schedule (which means that he will promptly change it completely).  He dropped his morning nap a couple of weeks ago.  He now wakes up around 6:00-6:30, sleeps from 11-1 and goes to sleep for the night at 7.  I'm digging it.  I can run errands in the morning, get stuff done around the house while he naps, then play/run more errands in the afternoon.  AND have enough personal time in the evening.  God love him--he's being such a good boy for mama.

His new trick?

You know, I consider myself to be a modern woman.  Power to the Female and all.  But, my words and actions.  They don't line up.  When I list the things I have done/gotten interested in the past couple of years, I swear, I'm ripped out of the 1950s:

--I bake bread (ok, I use a bread machine, but still)
--I garden
--I can the veggies from my garden

and, here's the kicker...

There.  I said it.  I will now be that hippy woman who obviously wears homemade clothes.*  Honestly, I'm really, really excited about it (the class, not looking like the hippy woman).

I'm postive  not sure that I will make my own clothes.  The sewing class I am taking will ultimately result in an A-Line Skirt with Patch Pockets,  I looked it up.  Hopefully it will look something like this**:close
Product Image

Video Description

That skirt costs $80.00!!  But I DO want to learn how to make things for around the house--curtains (advanced, I know, but I'm being ambitious here), throw pillow covers, baby quilts, tablecloths.  Plus, the class will teach me how to hem stuff, which I think will be useful.  My level of experience=Zero.  Perhaps a little less than zero--I was convinced I could make swaddling blankets for Johnathon based on what a Happiest Baby on the Block teacher told us when we took the class while I was pregnant.  SO EASY, she said.  Not so much,you lying beyotch, I said.  I do not own a sewing machine, so I had to use Stitch Witchery on it (iron on hemming stuff) to make the corners and edges.  I proudly sent a picture of what I had lovingly created for my yet-to-born child to my sister.  She laughed and told me to send her the fabric I had bought.  Sad face.

But, as I am every time I start a new project (regardless of whether or not I actually finish/it transitions into an actual, useful hobby), I am chockfull of excitement and optimism.  I will NOT let the memory of a C (yes, really, a freaking C) for a pillowcase I made in 8th grade Home Ec get me down.

*No, not really.

**And that my stomach looks exactly like that, too.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hi, June!

ZOMG!!!!  I'm back!  You'd think I'd have been busy or something.

But, no, not really.  I've had a lot of houseguests, though.  Pretty much the month of May, similar to March (and similar to what my August will be), we have had people staying with us.  Both my parents and Craig's parents came to stay with us--my parents for the first two weeks of May (with an extended stay that was unexpected and fairly scary) and the last two weeks of May with Craig's parents.

To cut a somewhat long story somewhat short, my dad was hospitalized while he was visiting.  I haven't said much about my parents' health problems (and my problems with their health problems), but my dad basically has the equilivant of one kidney left (and had a heart attack and quintuple bypass in 2002, AND, as of his hospitalization, was still smoking and drinking).  My dad=health nut.  Here's more math:  my mom+prescription drugs+"chronic pain"+Dad's heart+Dad's kidneys+smoking (both) +drinking (Dad)=banging my head against the F*&#@ wall each and every time I think about it.

Anyhoo, my dad caught a stomach bug while he was here.  Dehydration does not sit well with his ol' kidneys, so two days before they were set to leave, my dad suggests he go visit the VA just to get a check up.  He had been acting weird the previous couple of days.  A little confusion, sleeping a lot.  So, I take him to the VA.  We get him all checked in with the Ohio VA system and go wait in the ER waiting room.  THEN, HE PASSES OUT.  Oh my god.  I freak the hell out.  Honestly, I do.  Fortunately, the nurses are right on it and they wheel him back (I guess it goes without saying he jumped to the head of the triage queue).  The triage nurse takes his blood pressure.  It's low.  Very, very low, which causes the passing out. They admit him and begin to take his vitals.  In addition to the low blood pressure, he has a low heart rate and his kidney levels are sky high.  At one time, his heart rate was as low as 27.  27 beats PER MINUTE.  That's less than once every two seconds.  For a total of 30 seconds each minute, my father's heart was not beating.

In the end, once he got rehydrated, his levels evened out and he was back to his old self.  But it took four days.  I've KNOWN that he is not a well man, but I was really slapped in the face with it this time.  I've tried to make my peace with it.  I try to make sure that I tell him I love him every time I talk to him because I know that one of the these days, I won't get another opportunity (which is a good lesson, regardless, methinks).  I've tried to make sure that Johnathon has as much time with him as possible to try to burn in some memories into Johnathon's subconscious or to make sure I have pictures to show J that he had a Poppie who was the best and who loved him very much.  Because I am completely convinced I don't have much time.  I truly hope to God I am wrong and being way overdramatic about this.  I hope that my father goes when he is ready to go, with memories of a life well lived, knowledge that he is loved beyond comprehension, and a smile on his face.  That would be nice.

Wow--you didn't think my post was going to take this dark turn, did you?  Neither did I when I started it, but clearly, I have something to say about it.  When I am not sobbing and wiping the snot from my nose, that is.

On to happier things (please!)

Summer is here and it going to be full of the awesome!  My child is a total water baby and is so full of energy and fun and laughter that I just can't believe it.  It bears repeating, he is sooo much fun!!!!  I laugh at the things he does every day.

Ok...I'm just going to have to leave this post to be continued.  I started this earlier this week while home.  I am now in Arkansas at my parents' house and I have no access to the cute water baby pics I have planned on posting.  So, that will just have to wait until next post (coming soooner than next month, promise!).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ain't no stopping him now...he's on the move

Well, he's not quite at the Soul Train level, but my little man is definitely getting there.  He started taking his first tentative steps last week and now he has gained confidence and is walking ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!  For once, I'm actually really excited about this milestone.  I was mostly kinda sad for the other ones because it meant he was growing up, but I'm pumped about his walking.  For one, it means that I don't always have to carry him, so my lower back is extremely excited.  I will have video of him walking at some point, but I need to figure out how to edit the video--I was filming him for a long time in hopes that he would walk.  He finally did, but it took a while.

I don't know--it seems like once he hit his first birthday, he became this little boy.  He does all KINDS of fun things--sits in his chair and reads a book, yells at the neighbors out of the window and waves at them, eats bananas (OMG, this one really excites me.  He absolutely refused to eat a banana before his first birthday.  Now he eats an entire one).  While we are on the subject of food, he eats almost as much as I do.  For breakfast, for example?  He can eat an entire one egg, ham and cheese omelet WITH TOAST.  Seriously--is there any wonder why he is in the 97 percentile?  He's not such a fan of meat, though.  He likes turkey slice and chicken tenders, but meatballs?  Forget it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

One year!!

Yes, I am almost a week late in posting my happy birthday to my one year old.  BUT, MY BABY IS A YEAR (and a week) OLD!!!!  The past few weeks have been busy, but good.

Our Craig-and-Vicki-not-Daddy-and-Mommy trip went great.  We spent the weekend in Las Vegas--Craig was already there on business, so we spent the weekend walking around and losing money (I mean, really, Vegas, is it so hard to let me win a little?  Seriously, because you took all my money and I don't really appreciate it).

Craig and Vicki--we're back!!!!
I didn't realize exactly how much we needed this trip until I got there and we just started reconnecting again.  Again, I have to reiterate that our marriage was not/is not in trouble, but for three days, our conversations did not revolve around how much Johnathon ate that day, how much he slept, who was going to put him down for night night.  Our conversations revolved around US and what we were doing.  It was awesome.  I was able to relax and just have fun (I still went to bed early each night.  Don't be silly--some things simply don't change.)  We've already decided to take small trips away like that every so often.  The main reason I was able to relax was because I knew Johnathon was well taken care of--a huge, huge thank you to my mom and dad (even though they never read this).  I, very literally, could not have done this without you.

One Year Old Johnathon and The Hair That Will Not Be Tamed

Happy Family--other than Craig's missing half his head.  But, really, he does have a big head, so it's understandable to not be able to get it all in the shot.  (Sorry, honey, but true.  You know it is.)

The party went great!!!  In addition to the family members staying in the house (which, when I describe that my parents, my mother-in-law, my sister, her two boys, and my sister's mother-in-law were all staying in my house, sounds like an absolute nightmare, but it honestly wasn't bad.  It was LOUD, but it wasn't bad.  I loved having everyone here), we also invited some neighbors and some of Johnathon's playmates and a college friend who made a big effort to come (Hi, Cain!).  We had balloons, cupcakes, toys, singing, and a little crying (ok, that was me, not the babies).

He wasn't all that sure of the cake at first, but he made a good effort!
Johnathon had a good time at his party and fell asleep HARD about 5 minutes after the last baby left.  He especially had a good time with his cousins--he developed a hero worship that is usually reserved only for the dogs.
So sweet.

My mother in law retired the week of John's birthday.  The day after she retired, she was on a plane to the US to make it in for the party and a good visit with her favorite grandson.  I haven't mentioned Craig's family all that much, but I have to tell you, they make a HUGE, HUGE effort to be a part of Johnathon's life, even though they are so far away.  His wardrobe alone is about 80% from his grandparents!

So, happy first birthday to my sweet baby boy.  It has been such a privilege to be your mommy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For Prosperity...

So, I've started all the tutorials and NOW I've figured out how to add video to the blog!!! I'm even on YouTube!  But, this is the only video I have posted for now.

I was trying to catch him playing and dancing on his piano, but got something SOOOO much better instead!

Here, for all prosperity, I present...MAMA!!!!  (I haven't figured out to how to splice and edit and all that jazz, so if you don't have a lot of time, the good stuff starts to happen around 1:15)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Holy Crap, Part II

Have I told you lately...that I'm crazy?

No? Well, last year at this exact time, I was in awe of the fact that I was going to be a parent. That THIS month, I was going to have a baby and

Now? NOW? I cannot believe that my little baby is going to be ONE. As in AN ENTIRE YEAR OLD. As in, NOT A BABY ANYMORE. As in, HE IS GOING TO BE GROWN UP SOON. (Hence, my craziness).

I have to tell you, I have not really been taking it all that well. There have been a lot of tears. And hugs. And kisses. And more tears.

Again with the crying, Mom. Really? Pull it together, woman.

I mean, does he not look super ecstatic to BE the son of a crazy lady?
And, btw, what.the.hell is up with my super-long, alien-like thumb? No wonder he looks like that.

I don't know exactly why I am in such mourning over the fact he is going to be one. This year has been hard. Yes, it's been amazing and I love being a mother, but I make no bones about the fact the process of becoming a parent has been a difficult one for me. I would never say that having a newborn is "fun." There were many WTF am I doing? moments. And sleep deprived breakdowns. And loneliness. And feelings of inadequacies. And just the mindblowing, overwhelming fear of something happening to him.

Because, quite simply, now I cannot comprehend a life without Johnathon. He invades my every waking moment. In a good way. In a fantastic way, actually.

And, you guys, he is so much fun now. And beautiful.
Hi, I am the cutest baby ever.

Craig and I are taking a much, much needed, Craig-and-Vicki, not-Mommy-and-Daddy, trip away next weekend. I am looking forward to it. Because even though this cute little guy has just completely stolen my heart, his lookalike was there first. We need this time together. No, nothing is wrong with our marriage, but after a year of total baby focus, we're finally coming out on the other side and remembering that even mommies and daddies are allowed to have fun, too.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back by popular demand

Suprise--it's a picture that Mommy couldn't load on her old computer!

Oh, hello! You thought that by getting a new computer, I would actually UPDATE the blog?
Silly, silly reader!

So, what's new this month?

Johnathon is a little Starfish (no, really--that's the name of the class). We enrolled him in swim class and it is so much fun!!! He seems like he enjoys it--I think he thinks it just a big bath, without the bubbles. He splashes and splashes around. It's Craig's activity with him (Daddy Time), but this week, I had to take him because Craig, poor thing, HAD to take a business trip to the Daytona 500. Oh my goodness--I had such a good time with him in the pool!!!!! I think I enjoyed the class more than he did.
Another old picture Mommy couldn't load, but I AM SO CUTE in the bathtub.

We had to miss a class because Johnathon was sick for a week, but he is all better now. The sleeping was not so good there all week because J gets super clingy when he doesn't feel good and must be touching me at all times. Poor little mister--he was so pathetic. Fever, stuffy nose, cough, congestion. :(

Before he got sick, though, we had a playdate with two of his little friends, both girls. AND HE KISSED ONE OF THEM. Thank God it wasn't the kind of kiss he give me where he goes in for the kiss, but really wants to bite my lip and not let go. But, still, HE KISSED A GIRL. AT 10 1/2 MONTHS OLD. Lordy, I am not ready for this.

My parents have been here for the past two weeks and I am so, so grateful for them. When Johnathon was sick, he was up at all hours of the night, not being able to breathe well and coughing, so I hardly got any sleep. It was so nice for my dad to take the "morning shift" while I got a couple of hours of uninterrupted sleep. Johnathon is starting to get back to being a good sleeper, but it's definitely a process. He still wakes up a couple of times a night, but I am hoping it's a remanent of being sick and not some new pattern for sleep. Because, y'all, he's going to be ONE next month. Having a one year old aside (and, um, so where did that time go?), I haven't have a continuous period of a good night's sleep in a year. Am.ready.for.sleep.

Developmentally, I think he is this.close to walking. He is also starting to sign (sort of)--his sign for "all done" is to clap. He waves bye-bye and he starts to say "uh-oh," but he only gets out "uh." He loves to look at books and flip the pages and he lets you know that he wants to be read by sticking out his tummy and grunting. I know, weird, but it's the way he communicates. We go with it. I think he is saying "mama"--he goes "mamamamamamamamama" and, obviously, he means me, even when he says it to the dogs.
Mama, Daddy, whoever...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our newest arrival

Meet the newest member of the family:

Delivered on Saturday, January 22, 2011
Time of arrival: 5:05 p.m.
Delivery via: Federal Express
Length: 27 inches
Weight: Packing slip said 40.94 lbs. No way. It's much lighter.

Proud father has been a good newborn daddy--staying up with it until all hours of the night, fretting over it, marveling over the perfection of it, counting all its little gigabytes.

Our newest addition also sleeps on command AND through the night.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


New computer is ordered!!!! We're going Mac, baby.

It will be here next week.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello January

Ok, Folks. New Year's resolution: to update the blog, crappy computer be damned.

It's not that my life is that interesting or anything, I just like to journal. Fun fact: up until a couple of years ago, I kept a diary continuously from the age of 12. I don't really know why I stopped--I would always write when I had some issue to work out or something was weighing on my mind. As soon as I wrote it down, I would feel better. So, I guess, in some senses, blogging is the new journalling. Except I'm not really working out any issues (yet. 2011 is young.). This blog is really about Johnathon and keeping friends and family that are in the area informed of what is going on with him.
What's been happening since November???? Well, let's see:
  • Thanksgiving was great. We stayed home--no traveling. Craig made an awesome turkey (Alton Brown's Turkey Brining recipe from the Food Network.) Absolutely amazing. We drank wine all day, so the video that we shot for prosperity gets drunker and drunker as the night wears on.
Johnathon was ready to eat!

  • December seemed to fly by. I really have no idea where the month went! At the beginning of the month, we got a babysitter for the first time! An actual babysitter--paid and everything! I was nervous, but also, really excited because I could see a social life beginning to re-emerge for me and Craig. It was great--Johnathon loves her and we already have her booked for another night! Of course, to make me feel guilty and all "you should really be here with me at all times," Johnathon chose to crawl for the very first time about five minutes before we left. The video is dark, so you actually can't see him very well :( *Scratch that. Mostly Dead Computer won't process the video without freezing up the computer. I've been trying for two days.

  • Christmas was great!!! It's been a while since everyone (me, Craig, Sister, Brother-in-Law, parents, grandkids were all together) and it was a really good time. Well, except that Craig hurt his back and spent most of the week lying on the floor. BUT, other than THAT it was great. Of course, being Johnathon's first Christmas, my parents and Sister went crazy with the gifts (and I loved it). But, there was no way we were ever going to get that amount on the plane, so my mom and dad are going to drive up soon and bring the Christmas haul with them. Also, we took a family portrait. Now, for those of you who take family portraits, every year, this may not be a big deal to you. For us, however, a family portrait is a HUGE, HUGE deal considering our last family portrait was somewhere around 1989 (nope, not kidding). We look good.

But I especially love the pic of my parents with the grandkids.

Well, that's all for today. Johnathon is no longer content in the pack and play while I type, so off I go. Next is the update for January, in which J learns to stand... It's big fun, apparently. Especially at 2 a.m.