Monday, February 22, 2010

Proof I wear clothes that are not pajamas

But only for short periods of time. Immediately following this picture (we were home after celebrating Craig's birthday at a fancy-schmancy steak restaurant), I changed into pajamas and went to sleep. I was wearing HOSE, for goodness sake. And knee-high boots. I don't normally wear those things when I'm not pregnant.

So, onto this week. It's 36 weeks today. That means that I am exactly one month away from my due date. YIKES!

How far along? 36 weeks today

Total weight gain/loss: 20 pounds

Maternity clothes? yup. But mostly Craig's t shirts and my pj bottoms

Sleep: Actually, I'm sleeping pretty well. I get up about once a night and that's usually it.

Best moment this week: I think it was having a date night/birthday celebration for Craig. I really enjoyed dressing up and going somewhere.
Movement: Yes--we're trying to identify the body parts that poke out. So far, we've identified his little butt and a foot.

Food cravings: Still milk, but not as much as before

Gender: boy (I'm thinking this one will not change)

Labor Signs: none yet. When I went to the doctor today, I was not dilated at all, but my cervix was soft. So, hooray? I DID get a Braxton-Hicks contraction today that was not pleasant. Completely different to the other one.

Belly Button in or out? Out. Like a turkey timer.

What I miss: Not feeling like my legs are about to come out of my hips (relaxin hormone)

What I am looking forward to: meeting Baby

Weekly Wisdom: Just came back from a Happiest Baby on the Block class and have realized that receiving blankets are not the same as swaddling blankets. And I have an enormous amount of receiving blankets.

Milestones: By the calendar, I am nine months' pregnant! Next week, I will be full term.


berit_k said...

steal lots of hospital blankets- they are hands downt he best swaddlers...

berit_k said...

binks- you ARE GORGEOUS!

MommaRazorback said...

You are looking good for 36 weeks - quite the foxy pregnant lady. Lots of receiving blankets are good and can double as burb rags. I have recently heard great things about "The miracle blanket" for swaddling. Mine always wiggled out - but I bet it would have worked great (

Maeve said...

You will continue to learn new things daily so be ready! You look great and Craig is/was quite the charmer - What a smile!
The choco cake is well worth it - enjoy!