Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And We're Off, Part 2

We made it to Cincinnati!! The last two days have been pretty tough, but we are here and Craig has started his first day at work.

We basically had 36 hours of straight travels--
6:30 a.m, UK time (12:30 a.m. CST)--left Cardiff for Heathrow
9:50 a.m. UK--left Heathrow for Chicago
flights went well, except I had a pissy man behind me who kept complaining that I leaned my chair back and disturbed him. Sorry, honey, but if you want room, buy First Class.
6:00 p.m.--landed in NWA
7:30 p.m.--left Springdale with the Escape loaded up!
11:15 p.m.--arrived at Casa Sanchez (and saw my puppies!!!!!!)
11:20 p.m.--passed out in sweet, unconscious sleep oblivion

9:00a.m.--left for Cincinnati with my dad in tow
**This was interesting because all three of us have something going on that we had to get out every hour or so--me, pregnant (3 months!!! Second trimester, here I come!!!!!); Dad--hip; Craig--back
9:00 p.m EST--arrived at the hotel in Cincinnati (again, it really shouldn't take 11 hours to drive from Little Rock to Cincinnati, but with all the stops and an hour stop for dinner--Cracker Barrel, obviously--we took longer than the average bear)

Our trip to the UK was great!! The wedding was a lot of fun and the bride and groom were so happy! At Craig's parents' house, there was lots of sleeping, eating, and hanging out in our pajamas. I do always like spending time with my in-laws (really!) and they always make a fuss out of us whenever they see us.

PLUS we got our first baby presents!!!! We got the baby a small stuffed dragon, Craig's parents got us a stuffed animal from the London Zoo plus a teddy bear and some onesies and a hat; Craig's materal grandmother gave us clothes; Craig's paternal grandmother gave us a teddy bear and a Winnie the Pooh onesie. I was really suprised, actually!! I hadn't even considered buying clothes yet for the baby, but we won't see them again before the baby is born. I'll post pictures when I can of the prezzies!

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