Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Baby, if you ever wondered....

wondered whatever became of me. I'm living on the air in Cincinnati. Cincinnati WKRP.

Yes, that's right. I remember the theme song to "Cincinnati WKRP," however it does not hold a candle to my favorite 80's tv show theme song--"The Greatest American Hero." Oh, and GUESS WHAT!! There is NOT actually a WKRP in Cincinnati.

UPDATE (9/26): There IS an WKRP in Cincinnati!! It's the PBS station--it's called something different on our awesome hotel tv lineup.'s week 2 already of our Cincinnati adventure. We are still living it up in the Extended Stay America and I am missing my DVR and cable. Hotel tv is not the best. It's great on college football game days because there are FIVE ESPN channels, but other than that, not much else. I'm starting to orientate myself with the city layout, too. I'm not as dependent on the GPS as I was last week. We, being the foodies that we are, have already checked out a couple of the area food stores. There's one called Jungle Jim's that has, literally, everything you could want, especially for international cooking. There was a British food aisle, so we loaded up on HobNobs, Digestives (milk AND dark chocolate!), squash (fruit juice, not vegetable), and PG Tips!

We went house hunting last weekend and saw some nice houses. Not OUR future home, I don't think (Craig may beg to differ--he really liked one house), but some nice houses. We are incredibly lucky that our "old" house sold so quickly--there's nothing stopping us from buying a new to us house immediately after closing. We are trying to figure out what area of the city we want to live in, but it's hard since wherever the realtor takes us, we have no idea where we are in relation to things like the interstate, Craig's work, the nearest grocery store, etc. The good thing is that lots of the neighborhoods have community pools, which is high up on Craig's must have list. The houses here are older than what we are used to, but the neighborhoods are well established and the house prices are actually not too dissimilar to what we are used to.

Right now, finding a house and settling in with doctors (for baby, my thyroid, and Craig's back) have been priorities. Speaking of babies, I'm now officially in my 2nd trimester!! WOO HOO!!! We made it!!! I'm still not showing all that much--keep in mind I had some extra padding to begin with, but my lower tummy is starting to pooch out a little. I have an appointment with my new OB/Gyn next Monday and we get to see the baby again!! Hooray! So far, so good as far as the pregnancy goes. I'm still tired and try to get a nap in most days, but still no morning sickness. The most severe symptom I have had has been headaches, but now going to Craig's chiro for that, too.

Tomorrow I get to go on a road trip! To Louisville to visit a close college friend who just had a baby! I'm excited. I haven't been within driving distance to any college friends ever since I moved out of Nashville seven years ago! Then, next month we are off to Nashville (DRIVING!) to see the Kings of Leon, the Vandy homecoming, and besties there, too!!

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