And, AND...he turned 8 months old yesterday. EIGHT MONTHS. That's awfully close to one year and I don't think I am ready for that.
The computer is making "I'm working too hard and about to blow up" noises, so I guess that is the end of this post. :(
The life and times of Mooner and the Missus (and a beautiful baby boy and two crazy dogs)
Who is this woman and why have I suddenly developed a toe fetish?
That's why.
So, this little nugget of a book basically says to put your baby down every 90 minutes for a nap (hence, the name. Clever, no?). When I read that, I was all, "Sha! {snort} Ain't no way my baby is going to take a friggin' nap every hour and a half. You are smoking some major crack, Polly."
And then, he did. The first day I tried this, I was at my parents' house and we were in a different time zone without his crib. AND HE SLEPT FOR FOUR HOURS (total, not all at the same time). This, from my baby who slept a max of 45 minutes, twice a day.
Now, as he grows older, he can stay up more time, but no lie. My boy gets sleepy and goes down without a fuss every 90 minutes.
Unfortunately, I think we are going through some night time sleep regression, so he isn't sleeping as well as he was during the night, but I think it's a temporary phase. He may be starting to teethe, so really, the Universe is just soooo on my side right now. But, I am going to take success where I can get it.
And it's World Cup time in our household. Craig's UK team (Cardiff City Bluebirds) did not make it into the Premiership this year, but baby was ready for it! Craig has grand plans for his son's first World Cup (his goal is to watch ALL of the games. His goal includes my watching the games with him, but we'll see about that). The US's first game is against England, and, like a good Welshman, Craig is for the team who is playing against England.
Total weight gain/loss: 20 pounds
Maternity clothes? yup. But mostly Craig's t shirts and my pj bottoms
Sleep: Actually, I'm sleeping pretty well. I get up about once a night and that's usually it.
Best moment this week: I think it was having a date night/birthday celebration for Craig. I really enjoyed dressing up and going somewhere.
Movement: Yes--we're trying to identify the body parts that poke out. So far, we've identified his little butt and a foot.
Food cravings: Still milk, but not as much as before
Gender: boy (I'm thinking this one will not change)
Labor Signs: none yet. When I went to the doctor today, I was not dilated at all, but my cervix was soft. So, hooray? I DID get a Braxton-Hicks contraction today that was not pleasant. Completely different to the other one.
Belly Button in or out? Out. Like a turkey timer.
What I miss: Not feeling like my legs are about to come out of my hips (relaxin hormone)
What I am looking forward to: meeting Baby
Weekly Wisdom: Just came back from a Happiest Baby on the Block class and have realized that receiving blankets are not the same as swaddling blankets. And I have an enormous amount of receiving blankets.
Milestones: By the calendar, I am nine months' pregnant! Next week, I will be full term.
Not much has changed since last week except I had my first Braxton-Hicks contractions. From what I had read about BH, they are mostly not painful and you really didn't feel them. I have news for Mr. Braxton and Mr. Hicks. YES YOU DO SO FEEL THEM. That's why many a preggo has confused them with real labor pains. I only had two and they were not all that pleasant. Fortunately, it was over in, like, two seconds. But, I went to lie down on the couch and felt sorry for myself anyway. And made Craig finish cooking dinner. I gotta get sympathy where I can
Our 29 week scan was today and it went wonderfully. Normally, there is not a 29 week scan, but at the 18 week scan, the doctor found placenta previa, which means that my placenta was blocking my cervix and, therefore, preventing Baby from taking the V-Highway. If the placenta did not move, there were all kinds of scary possible outcomes that, being me, I obsessed over and researched on Google. But, I am happy to say that the Big Ol' Placenta has up and moved, so scary labor, here we come.
Back to Baby. LOOK AT HIM. Seriously. Was there ever a more beautiful, perfect baby in the whole wide world ever in the history of the earth? Didn't think so. Glad you agree. Look(!!) at those cheeks!!!!! I want to nom on them right.this.very.second. I am just so in love right now--I kept staring at the picture at the doctor's office. Then, I stared at the picture at home. Then, I stared at the scan of the picture on my computer. Then, I stared at the picture on this entry. Poor Baby--he's going to think "Why is this crazy lady looking at me like that? She's way creepy." True, son. True.
Everything is still going great with Baby. He's measuring well, growing well, looking faboosh. Right now, he weighs around three pounds. Dr. said that if he continues this rate of growth, then estimated birth weight is eight pounds. Dr. asked me AGAIN about natural birth. He was all "Now, are we going natural with the birth?" And I was all, "Look buddy, 'we' are going nowhere. I know I'm a hot momma and all, but let's keep this professional. My husband is RIGHT THERE and even though he looks like a 6'4" kewpie doll, he'll kick your a$$ (not really) because he is a protective daddy bear (for realsies). I think I have made myself perfectly clear. If not, there's a little something awesome you need to read and it's called my blog. Comprende? Give me the drugs. Kthxbai."*
Well, those weren't my exact words. I think my exact words were "No." But, I'm pretty confident he got the message.
*Ok, I have to come clean. That "kthxbai" is TOTAL STEAL from one of the blogs I stalk ( SHE IS HILARIOUS, KIDS. HI-LAREE-US. So funny, I giggle to myself like a creepy stalker while reading her blog because, well, I kinda am with her. Please go read her blog. You won't be sorry.
Yeah, I don't feel sorry for him either.
UPDATE: Craig DID make it in last night, with no delays!!! I love direct flights!
However, since Baby is half Craig, I think he may look more like this (some of you may remember me describing him when we first started dating as a 6'4" cross between Shoney's Big Boy and a Kewpie Doll--here they both are.):
Either way, I think the kid is doomed to have a ginormous head.
*But, I can't quit Discovery Health!!!! All the pregnancy shows!! ("I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"?? Really? REEEAALLLY? That kicking in your ribs you feel is just stress, is it? Oh, you were constipated, went to do #2 and had your baby in the toliet? You stay classy.) And all the fat people shows!!! ("Inside the Brookhaven Clinic"? How do you not realize you or a loved one weighs 500+ pounds?) AND!! "Hoarders:Buried Alive." (Which brings me to A&E's "Hoarders" as well.) My God, these people fascinate me. Those are my kind of reality shows. "The Bachelor" and the like can suck it.