Monday, August 3, 2009

Lucky Duck

Okay, so perhaps "lucky" is not the correct term to describe Craig and the (almost) three straight weeks he has been away from home, but some positive DID happen to him today, the day of his grandfather's memorial service.

We were on the phone while Craig was at Heathrow and he heard his name being called over the intercom at his gate. He told me he would call me right back.

A few minutes later....he calls back and says, "You will never believe this. The flight has been oversold."

.....Flashback, flashback, flashback.... (wave your fingers in front of your eyes for full flashback effect)

to when I was at the airport and my flight to Cincinnati was oversold. I got bumped from the f)(*&*ng flight and had to get one the next day.

Craig continues on...

"The flight has been oversold and I've been business class."

Man, if I were a lesser person (as in green with envy because I have ALWAYS wanted to take the flight from USA to UK or vice versa in something other than coach), I would not be happy for him. But, considering the past few weeks he's had and the week with his family under unhappy circumstances, I will be happy for him. He needs a nice flight home.

Today, I have spent all day waiting for a landscaper to come by and kill the weeds that have overtaken our front garden. At first I was hopeful that the weeds would pass for some sort of landscaping because some of them were flowering. But, no. It just looks crappy out there now. Last week, when I met with Joseph, the landscaper, he told me he would be here on Monday morning to take care of the weeds. This morning, I call Landscaping Company at 8 am because I wasn't sure time ol' Joseph would put in an appearance. No one answers so I leave a message. Four hours later, there is no call back (this from the Landscaping Company who last week called me about three times to confirm the estimate). So, I call back and leave another message at noon. Because I, despite popular belief, DO. HAVE.THINGS.TO.DO (like getting more boxes to pack up some of our clutter so we can get our house on the market and "show" worthy, which is why I need Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Weed Killer to come pronto). Apparently, this weed killer is special because it somehow knows what to kill and what to save (we do have some landscaping with bushes and stuff in there that we would like to keep alive).

I finally get a hold of Debbie, receptionist/office manager/unimpressive customer service representative. She says it's very hard to get a hold of Joseph because he is always doing estimates and busy. Well, Debbie, Joseph said he was coming by today and I just need to know When so I can kinda plan the rest of my day. She says she will get back to me.

Debbie gets back to me later--"Joseph said he told you he'd be by Monday or Tuesday morning."

Um, no, my sistah, he most certainly made no mention of Tuesday. Because I knew LAST week when Joseph was over that Tuesday morning was the one day that I had Stuff To Do, namely picking up my husband whom I have barely seen in three weeks from the airport and a lunch date planned with some of my former co-workers.

Debbie: "Well, if no one is there by 3:00 this (Monday) afternoon, they will come Tuesday morning."

Me: "Do you happen to know what time Tuesday morning? Do you think they could come before 9?" (Because I have a honey to pick up at 9:15)

Debbie: "I don't know."

Me: "Well, can you give Joseph my number and have him call me, please? I have been waiting for him today and I am not available tomorrow morning."

It is now 3:37 p.m. and no sign of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Weed Killer. And no phone call. And I am not happy.

I have devised a poll for my readers (all 6 of you). Please see right.


Unknown said...

Hey Lady - I spent the weekend pulling weeds! If Joseph doesn't show up, give me a shout and I will come over and show your garden what's up.

Denise said...

So I voted, but wanted to vote for options B and C. Call and rip both of them new a*$holes, just cause it will feel nice. Then buy the stuff yourself at Lowe's. :)